User talk:Takiten
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[edit] .wz
Sorry about the wait, I actually forgot about it >.>. When my comp died I also lost the extractor I had written, and had to start from scratch. I'm mostly caught up again. I tried going through the new KoreaMS file, but they've definitely changed the encryption on strings. I can get the first 7 or 8 characters of every string, but not more than that (still haven't programmed that in yet). When I extract the files, I break them into folders, but without proper string names windows won't let me create the files (not allowed to use those characters). As they released a new version of GMS, I've got a bit more motivation to fix it up again, so I'll try to get at the mp3's again. -- Prod-You 16:46, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
- I just ran it on the newest global version and here's what I got out. Finding out where each song is used is more difficult, since each map tells which song it uses (especially in KMS since it's stored in freshly encrypted strings). Sauna has that info for GMS, so after I get partial string decryption working in KMS I'll try that as well.
- Bgm00.img: 'SleepyWood','FloralLife','GoPicnic','Nightmare','RestNPeace'
- Bgm01.img: 'AncientMove','MoonlightShadow','WhereTheBarlogFrom','CavaBien','HighlandStar','BadGuys'
- Bgm02.img: 'MissingYou','WhenTheMorningComes','EvilEyes','JungleBook','AboveTheTreetops'
- Bgm03.img: 'Subway','Elfwood','BlueSky','Beachway','SnowyVillage'
- Bgm04.img: 'PlayWithMe','WhiteChristmas','UponTheSky','ArabPirate',"Shinin'Harbor",'WarmRegard'
- Bgm05.img: 'WolfWood','DownToTheCave','AbandonedMine','MineQuest','HellGate'
- Bgm06.img: 'FinalFight','WelcomeToTheHell','ComeWithMe','FlyingInABlueDream','FantasticThinking'
- Bgm07.img: 'WaltzForWork','WhereverYouAre','FunnyTimeMaker','HighEnough','Fantasia'
- Bgm08.img: 'LetsMarch','ForTheGlory','FindingForest','LetsHuntAliens'
- Bgm09.img: 'DarkShadow','TheyMenacingYou','FairyTale','FairyTalediffvers','TimeAttack'
- Bgm10.img: 'Timeless','TimelessB','BizarreTales','TheWayGrotesque','Eregos'
- Bgm11.img: 'BlueWorld','Aquarium','ShiningSea'
- Bgm12.img: 'AquaCave','DeepSee','WaterWay','AcientRemain','RuinCastle'
- Bgm13.img: 'CokeTown'
- BgmEvent.img: 'FunnyRabbit','FunnyRabbitFaster'
- BgmGL.img: 'amoria','chapel','cathedral'
- BgmJp.img: 'Feeling'
- BgmUI.img: 'NxLogo','WzLogo','WCSelect','ShopBgm','Title'
- Here's from the KoreaMS (not sure if it's the tester version though....). It also only includes the first 9 characters of each string (as I haven't figured out enough of it to get more yet). From a quick look, a lot of the names look the same between the two files (the previous list not having the 9 char restriction). I'll try to figure out the rest over the weekend if I have time.
- Bgm00.img: SleepyWood', 'FloralLife', 'GoPicnic', 'Nightmare', 'RestNPeace'
- Bgm01.img: AncientMove', 'MoonlightShadow', 'WhereTheBarlogFrom', 'CavaBien', 'HighlandStar', 'BadGuys'
- Bgm02.img: MissingYou', 'WhenTheMorningComes', 'EvilEyes', 'JungleBook', 'AboveTheTreetops'
- Bgm03.img: Subway', 'Elfwood', 'BlueSky', 'Beachway', 'SnowyVillage'
- Bgm04.img: PlayWithMe', 'WhiteChristmas', 'UponTheSky', 'ArabPirate', "Shinin'Harbor", 'WarmRegard'
- Bgm05.img: WolfWood', 'DownToTheCave', 'AbandonedMine', 'MineQuest', 'HellGate'
- Bgm06.img: FinalFight', 'WelcomeToTheHell', 'ComeWithMe', 'FlyingInABlueDream', 'FantasticThinking'
- Bgm07.img: WaltzForWork', 'WhereverYouAre', 'FunnyTimeMaker', 'HighEnough', 'Fantasia'
- Bgm08.img: LetsMarch', 'ForTheGlory', 'FindingForest', 'LetsHuntAliens', 'PlotOfPixie'
- Bgm09.img: DarkShadow', 'TheyMenacingYou', 'FairyTale', 'FairyTalediffvers', 'TimeAttack'
- Bgm10.img: Timeless', 'TimelessB', 'BizarreTales', 'TheWayGrotesque', 'Eregos'
- Bgm11.img: BlueWorld', 'Aquarium', 'ShiningSea', 'DownTown', 'DarkMountain'
- Bgm12.img: AquaCave', 'DeepSee', 'WaterWay', 'AcientRemain', 'RuinCastle'
- Bgm13.img: CokeTown', 'Leafre', "Minar'sDream", 'AcientForest', 'TowerOfGoddess'
- Bgm14.img: DragonLoad', 'HonTale', 'CaveOfHontale', 'DragonNest'
- Bgm15.img: Pirate', 'MureungHill', 'MureungForest', 'WhiteHerb'
- BgmCN.img: GoShanghai', 'ShanghaiField'
- BgmEvent.img: FunnyRabbit', 'FunnyRabbitFaster'
- BgmJp.img: Feeling', 'BizarreForest'
- BgmTH.img: ThaiTown', 'ThaiField'
- BgmTW.img: YoTaipei', 'NightField', 'NightMarket'
- BgmUI.img: NxLogo', 'WzLogo', 'WCSelect', 'ShopBgm', 'Title'
- Updated with the proper names. I was listening to some of the new songs...NightField is like trance music! It would be interesting if they released a cd of this :). If this is Official, do you know where I can get the test client? -- Prod-You 22:20, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
- Updated with the tester names. Enjoy :) -- Prod-You 07:03, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
- Here are the file sizes. As I don't know the exact file spec. I'm kinda guessing where they start and end, so the sizes could be off by a few hundred bytes. It might be better if we do this over email. -- Prod-You 20:47, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
- 3,405,531 MureungForest.mp3
- 3,626,213 MureungHill.mp3
- 1,411,918 Pirate.mp3
- 3,492,675 WhiteHerb.mp3
[edit] Do you know how to extract the Data.wz ?
I have been trying to find out how to extract the Data.wz, but I couldn,t. If you know, can you tell me how to extract the Data.wz? - wkkim9292 03:53, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Then, can you tell me how to extract the music files?
Can you? - Wkkim9292 04:03, 25 January 2007 (UTC).
[edit] About taking movie clips in Maplestory?
I have seen your clips in Youtube. Can you tell me how to take movie clips in Maplestory? —Wkkim9292 04:48, 31 January 2007 (UTC).
Thanks for telling me how to make movie clips - —Wkkim9292 04:49, 31 January 2007 (UTC).
[edit] About Nova extractor
Do you know how to break the 30 files limit? Because when I try to extract the Maplestory BGM, it only extracts the first 30 and I can't extract from the 31st file. - Wkkim9292 03:58, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Fishing event differences
ThaiMS and TaiwanMS fishing are different, according to this guy. the one in taiwan invloves swimming, while this one apparently actually uses a fishing pole. i'll do some more checking when i get home. Lunatio 17:58, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Could I help you editing your Maplestory Translations page?
I am Korean and I can help you on filling out Korean names for areas in Maplestory.
Can I help you? - wkkim9292 17:58, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
- If you can give me the name in english at sauna (ie. give me the link to the page), I can look up the map name in the data files. My versions are a bit out of date, but they should be mostly complete. -- Prod-You 06:36, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- I never said translation (I can't read any of those languages anywayz :P). The file numbers for most of the maps are the same in all the versions, so if I know the number in GMS, I can look the same number up in the C/TMS data files. Sauna uses the same numbers for the page names as the data files, so that's how I can get the necessary number. -- Prod-You 06:43, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- If the map link looks like, I need the 103000101. Just to note, I can't promise they're the same, since they might number some of the maps differently. -- Prod-You 06:48, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- I never said translation (I can't read any of those languages anywayz :P). The file numbers for most of the maps are the same in all the versions, so if I know the number in GMS, I can look the same number up in the C/TMS data files. Sauna uses the same numbers for the page names as the data files, so that's how I can get the necessary number. -- Prod-You 06:43, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- streetName: 黄金海岸 mapName: 黄金海滩
- I'm guessing streetName is the one you want? -- Prod-You 06:54, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- CMS: 地球防御本部 -- 地球防御本部
- TMS: 地球防衛總部 -- 外部區域
CMS | TMS | |
200000000 | 神秘岛 -- 天空之城 | 艾納斯島 -- 天空之城 |
211000000 | 神秘岛 -- 冰峰雪域 | 艾納斯島 -- 冰原雪域 |
103000101 | 废弃都市 地铁 -- 地铁一号线<第1地区> | 墮落城市地鐵 -- 地鐵一號線[地區01] |
103000900 | 地铁三号线 工地 -- 三号线一号地区B1 | 地鐵三號線工地 -- 三號線一號地區B1 |
910000000 | 自由市场 -- 自由市场入口 | 自由市場 -- 自由市場入口 |
230000000 | 水下世界 -- 水下世界 | 水世界 -- 水之都 |
701000200 | 东方神州 -- 上海豫园 | 東方神州 -- 上海豫園 |
-- Prod-You 17:08, 23 February 2007 (UTC) I had broken my program, so I couldn't do searching. I did a complete rewrite in C++ so it's much easier to use now (handles unicode properly) and I can search. If you need more searching done, tell me which continent it's on since they're split up that way. They are chinese, jp, ossyria, victoria, maple -- Prod-You 03:15, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Can I write possible names for Showa Town and Yu Yuan Garden for translation?
In some of the KoreaMS websites, Showa Town is called 쇼와마을 and Yu Yuan Garden is called 유얀 가든.
Can I use these possible names for translation? - wkkim9292 06:22, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
I have added all of the unofficial/unconfirmed names for KoreaMS which are used by KoreaMS players. If you don't want it, I'll change it back. - wkkim9292 06:34, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] From KoreaMS Sound.wz, Showa Town BGMs are updated.
Does that mean KoreaMS gets Showa Town in next patch? - wkkim9292 07:39, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] I have got Fraps but...
I can only take movie clips for 30 seconds and can't take it longer than that. Can you tell me how to take it longer than 30 seconds? - wkkim9292 03:38, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] I didn't get the mail about making longer movies
What I got was how to break the 30 files limit for Nova Extractor. - wkkim9292 05:11, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for your help - wkkim9292 05:25, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] The Fraps doesn't take clip.
I pressed F9 key during playing Maplestory, but it doesn't take clip. Can you tell me how to fix it? - wkkim9292 01:02, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] In Maplestory Translation...
Peach Blossom Island is missing, would that be needed on that page? - wkkim9292 06:45, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- I have added the Peach Blossom Island on the Translations page. - wkkim9292 06:51, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] About what you have asked.
서문정 which is Xi Men Ding pronounces as Seo Mun Jeong in Korean and it means West Gate Town - wkkim9292 07:44, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Should I make the talk page for Maplestory Translations page?
How about we discuss about the translations there rather than leaving messages - wkkim9292 21:35, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Some errors in translation.
In ChinaMS section, there are some strange translations. Two examples are Oriental Divine and South Hong Kong. Should it be changed to Dong Fang Shen Zhou and Southperry? - Wkkim9292 06:17, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] How do you summarise reverting vandalisms?
When I revert, I can't summarise like this:(Reverted vandalism by user1 to the last version of user2). How can I summarise like this? - Wkkim9292 01:23, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Can I copy your monobook?
I am not sure about editing my monobook. Can I copy your monobook? - Wkkim9292 07:39, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] How do you know if the World Tour Guide is releasing on ChinaMS?
When I saw the preview picture, Captain Nareth was on it. How do you know if the World Tour Guide is coming out in ChinaMS? By the way, you summarised about MapleSEA Data.wz in MapleStory-History, do you know how to extract it? - Wkkim9292 02:41, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
- Do you now if the World Tour NPC in ChinaMS would takes the players to Shanghai Wai-Tan as well? - Wkkim9292 03:02, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
- Is the Floating Market Icon originated in ChinaMS or Thailand? - Wkkim9292 03:48, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
- I saw a clip which shows that Yuyuan Garden has access to the free market. The picture you showed me is strange because 3 entrances are for PvP and I don't think that Yuyuan Garden and PvP arena are same map. - Wkkim9292 00:09, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
- Is the Floating Market Icon originated in ChinaMS or Thailand? - Wkkim9292 03:48, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] A Question about JapanMS.
In JapanMS, did Mushroom Shrine came out before Showa Town? Or both Mushroom Shrine and Showa Town came out at same time? - Wkkim9292 05:35, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
- What about Showa Yakuza Hideout? Did the Hideout come out with Showa Town or came out after Showa Town? Because in TaiwanMS, they don't have Showa Yakuza Hideout maps. - Wkkim9292 20:54, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Yes, that portal exists in KoreaMS.
That map is related with 4th Job Advancement in KoreaMS. I heard something from Sleepywood forum that 4th Job Advancement related files were found in MapleSEA Data.wz and I think that portal was there because it was added by mistake. By the way, do you know AsahiiBeer? I meet him in Sleepywood Forums and he said that he is your friend. - Wkkim9292 03:42, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] About these monster.
These monsters are called Sand Rabbit. I have found this monster in Strategywiki. Their levels are low. I don't think that these monsters are in Mu Lung, I thought they were monsters in Leafre, but its level is too low. There isn't more information about it in Strategywiki. I hope this could do little bit of help. - Wkkim9292 03:58, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] I have seen something intersting.
I read the KoreaMS March patch preview and it says something about the patch for April. It says that World Maps are going to change and World Maps will be available in all the places. It also says that new town is going to be released on KoreaMS, it is not Showa Town or Yuyuan Garden. - Wkkim9292 05:04, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] I have E-Mailed you about 2 Showa Town BGMs
If you have time, could you please check it? - Wkkim9292 05:27, 23 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] No, Coke Town is still available in KoreaMS.
It is still available in KoreaMS. KoreaMS players can still be transported by Coke Bear Administrator which is in most towns. - Wkkim9292 20:54, 26 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Wait, I haven't checked Coke Town after the last patch.
When I get on to MapleStory today, I will check. - Wkkim9292 20:58, 26 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Yes, unfortunately, Coke Town is no longer availble.
I heard that Coke Town was not available since 01/03/2007. - Wkkim9292 05:08, 27 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Is Legendary Spirit Available in ThailandMS?
You marked ThailandMS having Legendary Spirit Skill in your content page. Does ThailandMS have Legendary Spirit Skill? - Wkkim9292 02:04, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] I expect Mu Lung and Herb Town comes out in JapanMS next month.
KoreaMS got World Tour, then Centipede Boss, then Floating Market, then 4th Job and then Mu Lung/Herb Town came out. For few months JapanMS followed that pattern. Do you expect Mu Lung and Herb Town come out in next month's patch? - Wkkim9292 02:58, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Next Patch will be good, but...
The Patch after next patch will be disappointable and the patch after that one will be more disappointable. I expected Showa Town, but only bug fixes and Quests were added. - Wkkim9292 03:13, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] ChinaMS is getting 4th Job in Patch 0.51
[1] This is the link.
Do you think that this should be pre-added in the Versions Content? - Wkkim9292 04:25, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] No, KoreaMS doesn't have Ludibrium Maze Party Quest.
KoreaMS doesn't have Ludibrium Maze Party Quest and I think that someone marked it wrong. I will fix it - Wkkim9292 00:03, 2 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit] How do you know that TaiwanMS got World Tour Guide?
Hi Takiten. In StrategyWiki, you said that TaiwanMS got World Tour Guide. Where did you get that info? Do you know if TaiwanMS removed Pelican Taxi, Yang the Pilot and Kerning City Subway? - Wkkim9292 04:04, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit] How do you think about adding Latest KoreaMS and JapanMS Patch info on StrategyWiki?
I can translate Korean and you can translate Japanese, so how do you about we translate the Latest Patch Datas to English and put informations on StrategyWiki? - Wkkim9292 04:34, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Aren't you Japanese?
I thought you were たきてん. Are you American? - Wkkim9292 04:42, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
[edit] 아리안트 translates to Ariant
아-A 리-ri 안-an 트-t
This is the translation of Ariant(아리안트). - Wkkim9292 07:37, 6 April 2007 (UTC)