Tekin Arıburun
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Tekin Arıburun (1905 - August 13, 1993) Turkish soldier and stateman. He was born in then-turkish territory of İştip in Yugoslavia. His father was the commander of legendary 57th Division in Çanakkale in 1915, World War I. He was graduated from Army Academy in 1935 and become Army General in 1959. He held the office of Chief Commander of Turkish Air Force. After completing his military career in 1960, he started with political life and elected as senator in 1961. He became the speaker of Senate between 1970 - 1977.
He was the acting president of Turkey between March 29, 1973–April 6, 1973 after Cevdet Sunay's completing his seven years term and till the election of Fahri Korutürk.
He represented Turkey in many international meetings and conferences.