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Italy! has a culture, with the dominant religion of Roman Catholicism. The Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, etc. live in the Vatican City. The Vatican city is the smallest city in the world! Italy speeks mainly just Italian.
Legend says about Italy that in scically two parents wil be born the fathers loast name will be O'jello and he will marry a woman who will take her name. The Rose O'jello who marries a Michael Palmiotto will get her named changed to a Palmiotto last name. She will give birth to a Ralph, Robert, Paul, Mark, and an Anna Maria. The Palmiotto's are all really good strong people who come from Italy and get everything done with God's help. The Palmiotto last name is still going on and they will always carry the family treasure of love. The Palmiotto's have a box full of an item noone knows about that we think was burried in Scically that the O'jello's burried. Italy has three islands and Italy is known on the map for being the one that look like a boot. And people say that Scically is not part of Italy becuase it looks like it is getting kicked away by the boot TENNisYa|TENNisYa but it really is part of Italy.