Texas Film Hall of Fame
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The Texas Film Hall of Fame, which operates under the auspices of the Austin Film Society, was co-founded in 2001 by Louis Black, the editor of the Austin Chronicle, and Evan Smith, the editor of Texas Monthly. Every year, at a gala held at Austin Studios, on the site of the city's onetime municipal airport, TFHOF inducts or honors Texans who've made a significant contribution to film or filmmaking, as well as non-Texans who've made significant strides in the advancement of the Texas film industry. Classic Texas films are also honored, with a member of the cast or crew accepting on behalf of his colleagues.
In 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005, the gala was emceed by Ann Richards, the former governor of Texas, who died on September 13, 2006. The 2007 gala commemorated her passing by celebrating her life and her passion for film.
2001 Honorees
Inductees: Robert Benton Liz Smith Sissy Spacek Bill Wittliff
Warren Skaaren Lifetime Achievement Award: Mike Simpson
2002 Honorees
Inductees: Cyd Charisse William Broyles Jr. Terrence Malick Willie Nelson
Warren Skaaren Lifetime Achievement Award: Jack Valenti
Legacy Award: Gilbert Roland
Frontier Award: Giant (accepted by Dennis Hopper)
2003 Honorees
Inductees: Farrah Fawcett Horton Foote Woody Harrelson Tobe Hooper
Legacy Award: Dooley Wilson
Rising Star Award: Owen Wilson
Frontier Award: Easy Rider (accepted by Peter Fonda)
2004 Honorees
Inductees: Ethan Hawke Judith Ivey Edwin "Bud" Shrake Forest Whitaker
Tom Mix Award: Robert Duvall
Frontier Award: The Getaway (accepted by Ali MacGraw)
2005 Honorees
Inductees: Irma P. Hall Marcia Gay Harden Dennis Quaid
Rising Star Award: Robert Rodriguez
Frontier Award: Written on the Wind (accepted by Lauren Bacall)
2006 Honorees
Inductees: Kris Kristofferson Matthew McConaughey JoBeth Williams
AMD Soundtrack Live! Award: Lyle Lovett
Frontier Award: The Last Picture Show (accepted by Cybill Shepherd)
2007 Honorees
Inductees: Betty Buckley Richard Linklater Bill Paxton
Ann Richards Award: Elizabeth Avellan
AMD Soundtrack Live! Award: The Dixie Chicks
Tiffany and Co. Star of Texas Award: State Fair (accepted by Ann-Margret)
2008 Honorees
Tiffany and Co. Star of Texas Award: Urban Cowboy (accepted by Debra Winger)