The Best American Poetry 2004
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The Best American Poetry 2004 was edited by general editor David Lehman. This year's guest editor was Lyn Hejinian.
[edit] Poets and poems included
Poet | Poem | Publication(s) where poem previously appeared |
Kim Addonizio | "Chicken" | Five Points |
Will Alexander | from "Solea of the Simooms" | No: a journal of the arts |
Bruce Andrews | from "Dang Me" | SHINY |
Rae Armantrout | "Almost" | Mississippi Review |
Craig Arnold | "Your friend's arriving on the bus" | Open City |
John Ashbery | "Wolf Ridge" | Conjunctions |
Mary Jo Bang | "The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity" |
Ploughshares |
Alan Bernheimer | "20 Questions" | SHINY, The Forward |
Charles Bernstein | "Sign Under Test" | Michigan Quarterly Review |
Anselm Berrigan | "Token Enabler" | Rattapallax, Mississippi Review, Can We Have Our Ball Back? |
Mark Bibbins | from "Blasted Fields of Clover Bring Harrowing and Regretful Sighs" |
Boston Review |
Oni Buchanan | "The Walk" | Conduit |
Michael Burkard | "a cloud of dusk" | Lyric |
Anne Carson | "Gnosticism" | The New Yorker |
T.J. Clark | "Landscape with a Calm" | The Threepenny Review |
Billy Collins | "The Centrifuge" | Fulcrum |
Jack Collom | "3-4-00" | Ecopoetics |
Michael Costello | "Ode to My lint and Boom Bolivia" | Columbia Poetry Review |
Michael Davidson | "Bad Modernism" | No: a journal of the arts |
Olena Kalytiak Davis | "You Art A Scholar, Horation, Speak To It" | Tin House |
Jean Day | "Prose of the World Order" | 26: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics |
Linh Dinh | "13" | American Poetry Review |
Rita Dove | "All Souls" | The New Yorker |
Rachel Blau DuPlessis | "Draft 55:Quiptych" | Conjunctions |
kari edwards | "short sorry" | Aufgabe |
Kenward Elmslie | "Sibling Rivalry" | New American Writing |
Aaron Fogel | "337,000, December, 2000" | Pataphysics |
Ariel Greenberg | "Saints" | The Canary |
Ted Greenwald | "Anyway" | SHINY |
Barbara Guest | "Nostalgia of the Infinite" | No: a journal of the arts |
Carla Harryman | "from Baby" | Sal Mimeo |
Jane Hirshfield | "Poe: An Assay (I)" | The Threepenny Review, Poetry Daily |
John Hollander | "For Fiddle-De-Dee" | Hotel Amerika |
Fanny Howe | "Catholic" | Chicago Review |
Kenneth Irby | "[Record]" | No: a journal of the arts |
Major Jackson | from "Urban Renewal" | Provincetown Arts, Poetry Daily |
Marc Jaffee | "King of Repetition" | Hanging Loose |
Kenneth Koch | "The Man" | SHINY |
John Koethe | "To an Audience" | TriQuarterly |
Yusef Komunyakaa | "Ignis Fatuus" | The New Republic |
Sean Manzano Labrador | "The Dark Continent" | Rapidfeed |
Ann Lauterbach | "After Mahler" | No: a journal of the arts |
Nathaniel Mackey | "Sound and Cerement" | Hotel Amerika |
Harry Mathews | "Lateral Disregard" | SHINY |
Steve McCaffery | "Some Versions of Pastoral" | TriQuarterly |
K. Silem Mohammad | "Mars Needs Terrorists" | Kiosk |
Erín Moure | "8 Little Theatres of the Cornices" | No: a journal of the arts |
Paul Muldoon | "The Last Time I Saw Chris" | The New Yorker |
Eileen Myles | "No Rewriting" | Mississippi Review |
Alice Notley | "State of the Union" | Columbia Poetry Review |
Jeni Olin | "Blue Collar Holiday" | Hanging Loose, Exquisite Corpse, Jacket |
Danielle Pafunda | "RSVP" | Pleiades |
Heidi Peppermint | "Real Toads" | La Petite Zine |
Bob Perelman | "Here 2" | DCPoetry Anthology 2003 |
Carl Phillips | "Pleasure" | Tin House |
Robert Pinsky | "Samba" | The Threepenny Review |
Carl Rakosi | "In the First Circle of Limbo" | American Poetry Review |
Ed Roberson | "Ideas Gray Suits Bowler Hats Baal" | Chicago Review |
Kit Robinson | "The 3D Matchmove Artist" | DCPoetry Anthology 2003 |
Carly Sachs | "the story" | PMS |
Jennifer Scappettone | "III" | Boston Review |
Frederick Seidel | "Love Song" | Fence, Harper's |
David Shapiro | "A Burning Interior" | SHINY |
Ron Silliman | "Compliance Engineering" | Antennae |
Bruce Smith | "Song of the Ransom of the Dark" | POOL |
Brian Kim Stefans | "They're Putting a New Door In" | Boston Review |
Gerald Stern | "Dog That I Am" | Lyric |
Virgil Suarez | "La Florida" | New England Review |
Arthur Sze | "Acanthus" | The Butcher Shop |
James Tate | "Bounden Duty" | American Poetry Review |
Edwin Torres | "The Theorist Has No Samba!" | Van Gogh's Ear |
Rodrigo Toscano | "Meditatio Lectoris" | Kiosk, Rattapallax |
Paul Violi | "Appeal to Grammarians" | Green Mountains Review |
David Wagoner | "Trying to Make Music" | Hanging Loose |
Charles Wright | "In Praise of Han Shan" | Five Points |
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
- Web page for contents of the book, with links to each publication where the poems originally appeared
- Best American Poetry Web site main page
- [1] A damning review by Joan Houlihan in Boston Comment
- [2] A review by David Orr in The New York Times Book Review
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