The Clown Crew
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The Clown Crew (formed 2005 in Buffalo, New York, USA) is an improvisational comedy team. The group's leader, Dodo the Clown and members Toodles, HoHo the SoSo Clown, Drama Clown, Bobo the Clown, Ex-Girlfriend the Clown, all formerly solo performers under different monikers, joined forces shortly after the 2004 New York Underground Comedy Festival.
The group's brand of comedy, a cross between zany improvisational sketch comedy and circus performance, provided the group with a theatrical, grandiose flair, that extended their popularity past the New York underground comedy scene.
Although the group garnered significant populairty initially for their largely innocent content, their eventual comedic exploration of starkly dark, complex themes such as severe trauma and pereptual drug abuse as well as sexually taboo themes like homosexuality, bestiality, and masturbation alienated many fans.
At the same time, the group viewed their remaining fans as their only true fans--"this is the artistic direction the group wanted take," said Dodo (also known as Tex Raggert) in a 2005 article in the Buffalo News, "and the fans that have stayed are the fans that understand us and appreciate us."
The Clown Crew is still active today, though since the beginning of 2006 some of the groups members have taken a hiatus from the main group to rexplore solo projects.