The Criminals
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The Criminals was a punk rock band from Berkeley, California, that released records on the Lookout! and Adeline Records labels. Singer Jesse Luscious previously performed with Blatz and The Gr'ups. Dissolved in 2000, members went on to form Black Cat Music, the evening, and The Frisk.
[edit] See also
- Recess Records
- Blatz
- The Gr'ups
- Black Cat Music
- The Frisk
[edit] Discography
- 7 Months Drunk And Bitter 7" (Hairhurt 1994)
- s/t 10" (Recess Records 1995)
- s/t (compilation of Hairhurt 7" & s/t 10") (Recess Records 1998)
- Never Been Caught (Lookout! 1997)
- Morning After 7" (Rhetoric Records 1997)
- The Last Great Thing You Did (Lookout! 1997)
- Turn On, Tune In, Lookout (Various Artists) (Lookout! 1998)
- Burning Flesh and Broken Fingers (Adeline Records 1998)
- Tomorrow's Too Late cdep (New Disorder Records 1998)
- Forward Till Death (Lookout! 1999)
- Might As Well, Can't Dance (Adeline Records 1999)