The Merton Rule
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The Merton Rule is the name occasionally applied to a United Kingdom planning policy, pioneered by the London Borough of Merton. The policy requires the use of renewable energy production onsite to reduce annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the built environment. Many local authorities have followed Merton's lead, and it is likely the policy will have a significant impact on new major development projects throughout the UK.
[edit] Background
Following the publication of Planning Policy Statement 22[1] (PPS22), Planning Guidance on Renewable Energy, issued by the Office of Deputy Prime Minister in 2004, the London Borough of Merton was the first to formalise the governments renewable energy targets in its adopted Unitary Development Plan (UDP), setting the target for the use of onsite renewable energy to reduce annual CO2 emissions for all new major developments in the borough by 10%.
The first project to comply with this target – ten light industrial units - was completed in June 2005 at Willow Lane, Mitcham, using micro wind turbines and solar PV to meet the requirement.
The London Borough of Croydon were quick to follow Merton’s lead, and their first project designed to reach a ‘10% target’ was completed in July 2005.
North Devon recently chose to demand 15% CO2 reduction from renewables and Kirklees Council have proposed that by 2011, 30% of energy consumption in every one of its new buildings is from renewable sources.
The policy continues to grow in popularity with other local authorities expected to adopt pro-renewables planning policies within their Local Development Frameworks.
However, the policy is not without its flaws. A blanket 10% requirement assumes that in all cases renewable energy generation represents the most effective method of reducing CO2 emissions at any given location. A very real danger exists that sub-optimal renewable installations will be installed in in favour of perhaps more appropriate but less eye –catching technologies.[citation needed]
A limit on CO2 emissions per m2 of development might in the long run prove a better approach as this is more likely to ensure the best possible technology/location match.[citation needed]