The Photography Institute
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"The Photography Institute brings together today's noted and emerging artists, scholars and critics to provide a forum where they can explore contemporary issues in visual imagery and photographic image making.
Only by including diverse voices in these examinations can we address fully the profound issues of our time. If artists are to be visionaries, the gadflies of social and political injustice in our complex world, then we must also learn to engage our communities and take responsibility for that engagement."
-Cheryl Younger Director and Founder
[edit] Honorary Board of Directors
Joanna Bigfeather, independent curator Gay Block, photographer William Christenberry, photographer Linda Connor, photographer Barbara Crane, photographer Bruce Davidson, photographer Robert Frank, photographer Andy Grundberg, photography critic Robert Heinecken, photographer Mark Klett, photographer Lucy Lippard, author, art critic Nathan Lyons, founder, Visual Studies Workshop Elaine Mayes, photographer Susan Meiselas, photographer Duane Michals, photographer Christopher Phillips, curator, International Center for Photography Coreen Simpson, photographer Jerry Uelsmann, photographer Deborah Willis, PhD, photographer, author, curator