The Reunion (MMOG)
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The Reunion is a Sci-Fi Template:MMOG based on the long lost "Diaspora." It is based in the year 4545 A.D. (or 1245 New Galactic Time). Throughout the game, the player's 'clone' encounters various races, ship classes, planets, solar systems, guilds, etc. The aim of the game is to assist in the growth of your guild with your finances, technology and experience whilst growing in the ranking system yourself.
Contents |
[edit] Game Play
[edit] Starting
A new player starts as a clone in the Gen Zone, with the plans to the Pegasus class, and 50,000 Union Credits, the currency of the game.
Most players trade to earn credits, or UCs, and then hunt the Gallier AIs to acquire Experience Points or Exps.
[edit] Travelling
Players travel by using Jump Drives to jump from point to point in a zone. These points are called nodes. It takes some time to charge the jump drive, and for that the shield must be lowered.
When the player has a powerful enough ship, he may leave the zone via wormhole.
[edit] Communicating
There are two chat boxes in the lower half of the client. New messages are entered at the top of the box, so a conversation must be read from bottom to top.
[edit] Private Chat
The private chat is used for
- Sending private messages
- Guild chat
- Entering text commands
- Receiving server and administrator messages
[edit] Universal Chat
Messages in the universal chat are seen by everyone who is online at the time. (Node specific messages are also seen here, but they are lavender in color)
Below is a sample late-night conversation. (Start at the bottom)
Universe-Chat: Dr Rubber: i'd enlist ya in my guild.. but i think the perks of IS are a bit better
Universe-Chat: Elrond: I quit when shantie was in a hydra hunter and I was in condor
Universe-Chat: Dr Rubber: yeah i quit about 8 months back.. came back just last month
Universe-Chat: Elrond: I'm sitting at 2116 exp
Universe-Chat: Elrond: I haven't played in a coons age, m8
Universe-Chat: Dr Rubber: you just in a condor hunter m8?
Universe-Chat: Elrond: what I hate is not being able to jump into 2 grems in a condor hunter
and not make it out alive
Universe-Chat: Dr Rubber: nice to know i'm missed from time to time hehe
Universe-Chat: Elrond: ehh, rubber, I was asking about ya the other day
Universe-Chat: Dr Rubber: don't ya just hate that
Universe-Chat: Elrond: life sucks then George pops you!
Universe-Chat: a14: huh?
Universe-Chat: Koth: lol sorry any equi peps oni was poping myself
Universe-Chat: Koth: night
Universe-Chat: ViralLoader: nite uni
Universe-Chat: Koth: well i'm out again
Universe-Chat: Koth: i aint after anyone right now just bored
Universe-Chat: Choleric: Koth best friends 4eva?
Universe-Chat: a14: so its not me yer after?
Universe-Chat: Koth: yea np
Universe-Chat: Choleric: Oh i'm just messing with you Koth.
Universe-Chat: ViralLoader: hadn't noticed
Universe-Chat: Choleric: Only thing dead is you.
Universe-Chat: a14: yea
Universe-Chat: Koth: wow it's kinda dead in here
Public com system online!
[edit] Battle
Players must buy Guns for their ships before they can go into battle. Larger ships can carry more. When the player selects a target and clicks Engage, his weapons will fire.
It is customary to raise ones shields, before engaging an opponent, as without them ships are quickly destroyed. To fire on another player without warning, especially if their shields are down, is an ambush, and considered impolite, at best. Players who do this may find themselves on another guilds Shoot On Sight list, or on the bounty list.
The simple system of Navigation (jumping from node to node) does not lend itself to many tactics. Most of the Strategy involved is deciding whether to raise the shields to protect the hull, or lower them to charge the jump drive.
[edit] Trading
Trading allows you to grow financially as well as increasing the class of your ship. On each planet you visit, the planetary store provides you with current buying and selling prices and also the current prixces on other planets in that system. This allows the you as the player to find profits on different planets for each resource.
[edit] Ships
After starting the game with the most basic of ships, 'Construction Plans' can be bought from different planets for bigger and better classes of ships. This not only allows you to grow in size but also acts as a symbol of your progress in the game to other players. Each ship has it's pro's and con's - some being better for trading and others for battles.