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[[1]] Yes, neopets is the most popular website of the season righ now, but do you think YOU know all about it? I doubt it. Yes, neopets may be serene, but BEWARE, cheats and cookie grabbers are afoot. A cheat you may need to know is postthismessageinyourtradesthengotofaerieworldandget1000000npsandarandompaintbrush. Yes, it works, but you need to change it to: ipostedthismessageinthetradesandgot10000000npsandareallycoolpaintbrushwannatryitjust postthisinyourtrades2 It works, no lie. And another, post this in your userlookup or petlookup: increase(popups)_43.2 or increas(randomev)_46.7 Another is when you are at the advent calender, get your prizes, then click veiw source. A series of codes will come up. Find one that is one of your prizes, then put the url in your address bar. Before it, add this: javascript:;(additem(s))#_ The # sign is how many you want of that item. Have fun!