Talk:Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley
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in Edward VI of England it is stated that he was executed on March 20 and not the tenth! Could someone provide a source for his date of death. DelftUser 14:37, 2005 July 14 (UTC)
[edit] This day died a man of much wit and very little judgment
This statement was not said by Princess Elizabeth but by someone claiming she said it in the 17th century but later proved incorrect.
[edit] Younger or older brother of Jane Seymour
This article says: "...the eldest was Edward Seymour..., the second, Thomas. He was a younger brother of Jane Seymour..."
That's not possible: he can't be the 2nd surviving child and be younger than Edward and Jane.
The article on John Seymour (Tudor)(father) says Thomas was born in 1508, Jane in 1509. The article on Jane Seymour says she was born in 1507 or 1508, but that the date is usually given as 1509.
The statement of being a younger or older brother of Jane can't be made consistent with the current articles on John and Jane. Right now, the article is not consistent with itself. Unless these can be reconciled, I suggest the following change:
"He was also a brother of Jane Seymour, whose year of birth is disputed." --Just Jerry 22:07, 19 November 2006 (UTC)