Thomas Obicini
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Thomas Obicini (1585-1632) from Novara. He was one of the first orientalists. He was a franciscan arabist. He was abbot in the convent of Aleppo. In 1621 he became the first lector in Arabic in the St Peter convent. He was a precursor of Athanasius Kircher. He wrote a Grammatica Arabica in 1631.
[edit] Literature
- OBICINI,Thomas Grammatica Arabica. Agrumia appellata. Cum versione Latina, ac dilucida expositione. Rome, Congregationis de Propag. Fide 1631
- Van Lantschoot A. Un précurseur d’Athanase Kircher, Thomas Obicini et la scala Vat. copte 71.
[edit] See also
Categories: 1585 births | 1632 deaths | Orientalists | Franciscans | Arab | Linguists