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I demand the deletion of the comment about West Timorese wanting to join East Timor. That is such a nonsense comment. West Timorese are traditional tribal enemies of the East Timorese and are die-hard Indonesians. The West and East Timorese will never unite like water and oil can never mixed.
- It would perhaps be best to cool down a bit, and *suggest* changes when you find something wrong. I believe you have misread the text. If you look at the citation--from an East Timorese source--you will see it is a report of West Timorese rumors. It seems believable to me, and further there is no indication that "tribal" enemies do not exist. (That is perhaps an over simplification anyway, given the number of ethnolinguistic groups in Timor, particularly in East Timor.) Dewobroto 19:09, 21 March 2007 (UTC)