Time Space Visualiser
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Time Space Visualiser (TSV) is a Doctor Who fanzine published in New Zealand by the New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club. The format is A5, photocopied black and white.
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for TSV is 1175-1924. Copies of each issue are deposited in the National Library of New Zealand and the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand.
The out-of-print back catalogue is in the process of being made available to view online in the TSV Archive.
TSV was created by Paul Scoones and Paul Sinkovich in Auckland, New Zealand. The first issue was published in June 1987 (cover-dated July). After an initial six issues TSV was then adopted as the fanzine of the newly-formed New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club in April 1988.
[edit] Editors
The current editor of TSV is Adam McGechan.
The first six issues were edited by Paul Scoones, with Paul Sinkovich as co-editor on issue 1. Issues 7 and 8 were co-edited by Andrew Poulsen and Scott Walker; Walker then stepped down and Poulsen continued to edit TSV until Issue 20, except for issues 11 and 19 which were edited by Richard Scheib. Paul Scoones returned as editor with Issue 21 and remained as editor until issue 70. His co-editors during this tenure included Felicity Scoones (issues 22-30, 37, 39 and 40), Chris Mander (issues 23 and 24), Nicholas Withers (issues 46-51) and Adam McGechan (issue 68 onwards). McGechan gained full editorship of TSV with issue 71.
[edit] Awards
TSV was the recipient of the New Zealand Science Fiction & Fantasy Award for Best Fanzine in both 1993 and 1995, and the Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Fanzine in 2005.