Tito Web Studio
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Tito Web Studio is a feature rich and extremely effective quality assurance tool for AJAX web 2.0 developers and QA analyst. This enterprise grade software consists of JavaScript debugging and profiling functions. Tito Web Studio’s JavaScript profiler is the first in the market. It assists developers profile untested code to locate performance bugs. It supports triggers to control workflow and records snapshots to determine performance bottlenecks. Performance snapshots are displayed in spreadsheet style with various lengths of colored bars to visually indicate time spent on code execution. Unlike Microsoft Script Debugger, Tito Web Studio’s debugger is a stable JavaScript Debugger, capable of handling complex, lengthy code efficiently. Tito Web Studio supports classic debug operations, such as breakpoint, stack, variable, and watch features. Tito’s debugger provides detailed expression evaluation through the ToolTip feature.
Tito Web Studio is flagship product of Tito Software