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[edit] Shekelesh
I removed this:
- They may be identical to the Sea People nation referred to as "Shekelesh" in Egyptian sources, but some have postulated that the two were distinct tribes.
Justification: Egyptian texts (i.e., the Medinet Habu inscriptions of Ramesses III clearly speak of "Their confederation was the Peleset, Tjeker, Shekelesh, Denye[n] and Weshesh, lands united". There is no reason to assume that the Tjeker and the Shekelsh are one and the same. —Nefertum17 09:39, 25 May 2005 (UTC)
--- The excerpt from the Intmar Singer book on the Sea Peoples page says that Dor was a city of the Shekelesh (I think Shekelesh, in any case, not Tjeker).