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TNSM: Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-shariat-e-Mohammadi made by Sufi Mohammad, one of the active leaders of Jamat-e-Islami . He left Jamt-e-Islami in 1992 and formed TNSM. One of the main objectives of TNSM was to enforce Islamic laws, by force if necessary. Sufi Mohammad encouraged and organized thousands of people from swat,Malakand Division ,Dir,Bajawar and Bunair to fight against the Northern Alliance(shimali Etihad) in Afghanistan at the time of the downfall of the Taliban in 2001. Most of his mujahideen were killed or arrested by the USA and Northern Alliance(shuimali Etihad ) and only a few were able to return to Pakistan, including Sufi Mohammad. The Pakistani government immediately arrested him and for the past five years he has been in jail. Locals argue that thousands of mujahideen were killed as a result of Sufi Mohammad's incompetence and lack of combat skills. As a result, Sufi Mohammad lost much of his support.Now people are waiting for his freedom from jail. Additionally, TNSM members have been killed and regularly arrested by Pakistani authorities, reducing the organization's effectiveness. TNSM has been almost completely dormant in its stronghold of Swat and the adjoining areas. Recently, however, this situation has changed.
After the devastating earthquake that hit the region on October 8, 2005, Sufi Mohammad's followers capitalized on the incident and are using it to revive TNSM. There is a strong and growing belief among the people of Swat and Malakand districts that the earthquake was punishment for their misdeeds. Remnants of the TNSM have been encouraging them to burn their valuable electronic equipment in order to avoid the sinful life and prevent further retribution. As a result of Sufi Mohammad's imprisonment, his son-in-law Maulana Fazalullah is now leading the TNSM movement. Although it is not operating at a high level and does not enjoy the influence of the past, the earthquake has revived the organization to the extent that thousands of people tune into its FM radio transmission. This radio station was recently banned by the government and, as a result, thousands of people staged demonstrations against this decision. Fazalullah established this FM radio station at Imamdairi, a small town in Swat district. The station is used to deliver teachings of the Quran and persuade people to destroy their musical appliances by arguing that listening to music and performing other sinful acts caused the recent earthquake. According to the broadcast, if believers do not give up their musical and electronics equipment, it may invite the anger of God. As a result of these teachings, thousands of inhabitants voluntarily destroyed their electronic goods in just a few days and this chain of events has continued with short intervals. Additionally, as a result of TNSM's religious urgings, 50 families announced the end of their years-old rivalries, hundreds gave up the use of drugs and unaccountable numbers disconnected their cable television connections. Every one is following him. Now a days they are building a very huge Islamic centre(Madras)and a very big mosque in Imam Dherai.Most of the people are working in this noble job.Hundreds of people working there daily with out taking any wages.