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[edit] Establishment of TOBB
Law #5590 on the Chambers, Commodity Exchanges and Union was promulgated on 8 March 1950 and entered into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette #7457 of 15 March 1950.
Recently The Law #5174 replaced Law #5590 and has been effective as 1 June 2004.
[edit] Legal Status of TOBB
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) is the highest legal entity in Turkey representing the private sector.
Similar to the patterns of guilds and syndicates, which traditionally organized and represented tradesmen and producers throughout the Turkish History, TOBB, too, adopted a representative role in a democratic and modern society.
Today, TOBB has 364 members in the form of local chambers of commerce, industry, commerce and industry, maritime commerce and commodity exchanges.
[edit] Purposes of TOBB
Within the context of its organic law and other applicable legislation, TOBB aims, parallel to the developments elsewhere in the world and in its capacity of the highest level representative of the Turkish private sector, at ensuring unity and solidarity between chambers and commodity exchanges, enhancing development of the professions in conformance with general interest, facilitating professional work of members, promoting honesty and confidence in the relations of members with one another and with the general public, and preserving professional discipline and ethics.
[edit] TOBB's Organs
Italic textGeneral Assembly
Italic textCouncils of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges
Italic textExecutive Board
Italic textHigh Discipline Board
All organs of TOBB are elected through a democratic process. "General Assembly", the supreme body of the organization, consist of 1000-1300 members elected for a four-year-term by the members of the assemblies of local chambers and commodity exchanges.
In turn, the General Assembly, through election, forms five "Councils" representing chambers of commerce, industry, commerce and industry, maritime commerce and commodity exchanges. The president and fourteen member "Board of Directors" are elected by the General Assembly by its members.
The Board then elects five Vice-Presidents, each representing chambers and commodity exchanges for a four-year term.
[edit] Duties and Activities of TOBB
TOBB performs the following functions
To lead and guide the Turkish entrepreneurs.
To submit opinions and comments to the political power in line with the requirements of the private sector.
To strive for expanding the idea and ideals of private sector.
To ensure that the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which constitute the backbone of the economy, receive is equitable share.
To submit opinions to cornerned ministries and parliamentary commissions regarding laws and regulations in draft form or in force.
To undertake the distribution of around 470.000 TIR carnets to 976 haulers annually with a risk in excess of 15 billion Dollars and the issue of about 460.000 transit permits.
To prepare around 1000 ATA carnets per annum for the export of goods valued at around 10 million Dollars under warranty to Turkish and foreign customs administrations for temporary admittance formalities.
To conduct the EANUCC system as a service to over 12.000 members.
To prepare more than 10.000 capacity reports per annum upon request of concerned corporate entities.
To publish a Trade Registration Gazette of 650 pages daily in which more than 2.000 announcements are printed. To establish the electronic infrastructure in order to standardize the services rendered by chambers and commodity exchanges, to assure using common methods for bookkeeping, and to collect data related to our members, To solve professional conflicts that may arise among chambers and commodity exchanges. To offer its members necessary information that may be useful in their commercial, economic and international activities by following developments in science and technology. The product prices set at the commodity exchanges are made available to its members and to the rest of the world via such international agencies such as the Reuters and its own Internet system. To offer information and consultancy services through chambers and commodity exchanges for helping the SMEs to solve their operational problems, to investigate the problems restricting their success at international markets, and to thereby contribute to the identification of a national SME policy. To conduct the TOBB arbitration system. To carry out functions under the legislation in force for the development of apprenticeship, vocational and technical training within the scope of raising a qualified labour force. To establish or to participate in the educational institutions and to cooperate with these institutions. To establish organized industrial regions and technology development centers. To participate in the formulation of vocational standards, test and certification procedures. To conduct in-service training programs for improving the service quality of its own personnel. To authorize competent companies to organize domestic fairs. To participate in the Economic and Social Council. To strive for the elimination of interregional differences at the development level and the restructure of social equilibrium in conformance with the current requirements. To cast light on the future by its work and scientific researches. To prepare reports on country, province and sector basis. To establish and maintain the Sectoral Assemblies for comprehensive and accurate identification of sectoral problems, transmission of findings to the Government and their timely finalization. To constitute, for performing detailed studies on economic and social issues as a requirement of its consultative functions, ad hoc specialization committees made up of experienced academicians and upper-level bureaucrats of concerned public and private agencies.
[edit] Duties Regarding International Relations
TOBB represents the Turkish private sector at:
ECO Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Turkish-Arab Chamber of Commerce
OECD Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC)
Association of the Balkan Chambers
Association of Black Sea Zone Chambers of Commerce and Industry
To coordinate with the private sector in a multidimensional and continuous conduct to promote this country abroad.
To maintain the activities of the ICC Turkish National Committee, one of the 94 ICC committees scattered across the world, under its aegis.
TOBB assists the Turkish merchants and industrialists in the development of foreign economic and commercial activities for the benefit of this country and in the best evaluation of business opportunities through Business Councils established with 63 countries under the aegis of Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEIK) of TOBB.
To perform documentation work with the European Union. TOBB supports Turkey's accession to the European Union and also contributes to informing and preparing the Turkish Private Sector for the matter.
To establish relation and sign cooperation agreements with similar foreign organizations.
To organize delegation visits, bilateral and multilateral seminars, meetings, symposiums and similar meetings and to participate in foreign activities of the government.
To establish trade centers and joint chambers of commerce and industry with the foreign counterparts.
To mediate in the conflicts between Turkish and foreign companies in order to solve the disagreements amicably.
To announce the main export and import laws, tender notices, fairs and exhibitions, business opportunities in Turkey and abroad continuously.
To conduct common studies with international finance organizations such as IMF and the World Bank Group.
In addition:
Understanding the importance of education, TOBB contributes to it by establishing primary education schools, technical senior, high and apprenticeship schools and carpet-weaving workshops in development-priority provinces.
TOBB established the University of Economy and Technology in July 2003. The mission of the establishment is to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of Turkey with its highly educated human resources, and to build a bridge between the academic and business circles.
TOBB takes part in the drives for relief in disasters and for "A Greener Turkey" campaign.
It meets the needs of its subjacent chambers through assistance in cash and kind.
TOBB is the largest sponsor of Economic Development Foundation, which is a special institution that maintains the relations between Turkish business community and the European Union. It conducts research regarding relations with the EU. It helps the formation of public opinion on related matters, organizes seminars and conferences as well as business meetings for companies.
By taking part in and rendering financial support for management organs and general assembly meetings of various organizations, TOBB plays a role in the commercial and social life of the country and contributes to the work of official, social and commercial bodies and agencies of which it is a participant.
[edit] Participations of TOBB
By taking part in and rendering financial support for management organs and general assembly meetings of various organizations, TOBB plays a role in the commercial and social life of the country and contributes to the work of official, social and commercial bodies and agencies of which it is a participant. These are:
National Productivity Center (MPM) Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)
Export Promotion Center (İGEME)
Small and Medium Industry Development Organization (KOSGEB)
Press and Announcement Board
Armed Forces Pension Fund (OYAK)
Institute of Business Administration
Turkish Institute for Industrial Management (TÜSSİDE)
Social Insurance Association for Tradesman and Craftsman and Other Freelance Workers (BAĞKUR)
University of 9 September-Aegean Region Research and Implementation Center
High Committee of Science and Technology
Economic Development Foundation (İKV) Economic Research Foundation (İAV)
Promotion Foundation of Turkey (TÜTAV)
Foundation of Supporting Professional Training and Small Industries
National Education Foundation
Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAPEV)
Turkish Craftsmen Protection Foundation
Turkish Lyods’ Foundation
TOBB Personnel Insurance and Retirement Foundation
Istanbul Foundation for Public and City Services
Mevlana Foundation
Turkish General Stores Inc. (UMAT) Military Battery and Trade Inc. (ASPİLSAN)
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Istanbul World Trade Center (İDTM)
Mersin Free Zone (MESBAŞ)
Antalya Free Zone (ASBAŞ)
Izmir Fair Services, Culture and Arts Activities Inc (İZFAŞ)
Credit Guarantee Fund