From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
hi. my name is Lindsay! right now i am studing soil for my science project in my college class. dont worry, i wont tell you any wrong information. and i won't type it spelled wrong either because i have taken keyboarding 5 times. trust me please!!!! i love you all to death if you are reading this. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Singlebabii14 (talk • contribs) .
[edit] Different types of commercial topsoil
Based on the external links policy, with particular attention to No. 5 under "Links normally to be avoided", I removed the following external link: Different types of commercial topsoil.
Commercial links are sometimes constructive but not all that often; this situation only occurs when it is a cited source of encyclopedic content about the subject at the site, but not when the primary purpose of the external site is to sell something related to the Wikipedia article. -- Paleorthid 16:28, 7 November 2006 (UTC)