Trans World
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Trans World is an economic simulation game for the Commodore 64 published by Starbyte Software in 1990.
The player takes control of a new trucking company and competes against up to either three other human or computer players to make the most money. The game has two modes to choose from, a continous play mode that plays indefinately or a timed mode that runs a select number of turns. Players control all aspects of the company from purchasing new trucks to hiring mechanics to building new offices. Each round of the game controls one day of game time with each player taking a turn. Periodically a random event will happen which can either help or hinder your company. Some events are offers to have goods delivered while other are sick days that your turn is skipped. The game ends when either the player(s) choose to end it or when the selected number of rounds have been completed. The winner is the player with the most money at games end.