Trieste Astronomical Observatory
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The Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste (Trieste Astronomical Observatory) is located in Trieste, Italy.
The observatory originates from the Nautical School founded in Trieste by the Empress Maria Theresia of Austria in 1753. Entered into the lists of Italian astronomical observatories in 1923, the Trieste Astronomical Observatory is presenfly an autonomous institute of the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research. The mean scientific production of the Astronomical Observatory exceeds 60 papers per years, mostly on international refereed Journals.
The main research and development activity includes the physics of the Sun and the solar system (radfoastronomy, coronalplasma, cometary and interplanetary dust), stellar physics interstellar medium and the Galaxy (evolution of stellar interiors, stellar atmospheres, physics and chemistry of local and outerinterstellarmedlum), extragalactfc astrophysics and cosmology (large scale structure of the universe), astronomical technologies (computer system for data acquisition and control, including remote control, acquisition, handling and analysis of images, supercomputing) and space astronomy (development of space technologies and space observations). Of special importance is the participation in the projects of the Galileo National Telescope, the ESO Very Large Telescope and the SUV space telescope. The Observatory also supports several facilities for the national as tronomical community (ASTRONET ADOC, IUE ULDA, PDS).
The Astronomical Observatory is integrated through conventions with the major local scientific institutions (AREA, SISSA, University of Trieste). It cooperates with relevant foreign institutes (CM USA, Moscow, Oxford) and the mayor national and international astronomical institutions (ASI, CNR GNA, ESO). The Observatory is on a level with the University of Trieste and the SISSA for high quality, specialized theses at Laurea, Master and Ph.D. Ievel. The Observatory is also committed in the organization of national and international meetings on astronomical subjects.
[edit] External link
- Trieste Astronomical Observatory Website (Italian) (English)