Trinity Hall, Dallas, TX
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trinity Hall is an Irish pub located in Mockingbird Station in Dallas, Texas, USA. Based on an original concept statement, [1] Trinity Hall Irish Pub was designed and built by Irish firms for the specific location in Dallas. According to the Proprietor, Marius Donnelly, the name was chosen to celebrate the common root of Trinity in both Ireland's and Dallas' history. The settlement of Dallas was built on the Trinity River Forks and the oldest university in Dublin city is Trinity College. Trinity Hall is also the name of the first Ladies' residence associated with [2] Trinity College Dublin.
A full service operation that offers a great menu, the best beer selection in Dallas, live music and nightly entertainment in a smoke free environment. This Pub is locally famous for having the best coffee in town, always fresh & delicious and for the weekly notes sent out by the owner to guests on his list. These emails are full of whats happening in the community, sports and events and special invitations to Pub promotions.