Troyer Amish
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In 1932 bishop Eli A. Troyer withdrew from the Swartzentruber and began the Troyer church in Wayne County, Ohio. This was due to several issues, one which was hat brims. Swartzentruber wore hats the same as the rest of the Amish up to this time. Up to 1942 free moving from one sect to another was also allowed without penalty in the Troyer Church. Later on in the Spring of 1942 another bishop, Abe Troyer moved to close the door between sects by excommunicating those who joined another sect of Amish outside of the fellowship and when the dust settled, the Tobe church was formed from the split. The Tobe church remained mainly in Wayne county although they split into Tobe Old Order and Tobe New Order. The Troyer church eventually moved to numerous locations in Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Canada as did the Swartzentruber Church.