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Kibbutz Tzora (in Hebrew קיבוץ צרעה) is an Israeli kibbutz situated about 20 km from Jerusalem, near the town of Bet Shemesh. It was founded in 1948 by former Palmach members. The current (2006) population is about 900, of whom about 400 are kibbutz members.
Production branches are field crops, dairy. A high proportion of members commute to jobs outside the kibbutz.
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The kibutz is near the birth place of the biblical minor prophet Samson. The kibutz was established in 1948 when Arab villagers of the village Sara'a fled. In 1950 the kibutz relocated from the place of the Arab village to the valley below where some fruit gardens (Bustan) were previously maintained by villagers.
Near the kibutz there are pre-historic burial caves.