Wikipedia பேச்சு:சமுதாய வலைவாசல் படிமப் பட்டியல்
கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிபீடியாவில் இருந்து.
Initially I was hesitant about introduction of this feature. Just because, I was not sure that how many visitors it would have and how useful it is. I always would like to see images supporting articles, or articles explaining images but no stand alone articles like this. Also, I felt that this would add to the administrative burden of the limited wiki hours our admins have in updating. But lately, I feel its ok to go ahead to with this feature as it gives a lighter feeling amidst always discussing serious things in Tamil wikipedia forums. Also, the pictures look pleasant which can be used as desktops. We need to define the criteria for this image selection, and the frequency of update (Though drafting of these guidelines are not of immediate importance). Some criteria I would propose are :
1. It should be copyright free
2. It should be of higher resolution - (The current featured picture at [1] is low in quality.
The two criteria above I consider as very important. Of lesser importance can be that
3. It should be possible linked to an article. So, besides viewing pleasure it gives some information related to the picture
4. Image shall be uploaded to wikimedia commons or taken from it to reduce server burden for wikimedia servers
5. No strict mimimum frequency of update. But the image shall be left for atleast a week.
--ரவி 15:11, 1 ஜூன் 2006 (UTC)