వికీపీడియా నుండి
Please refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godavari
-The river is about 1,450 km (900 mi) long.
"మహాసముద్రానికి 80 కిలో మీటర్ల దూరంలో జన్మించి" is wrong.
Rajamundry is 80k from seacost, distance of Nasik-Trimbakeshwar from sea-cost is much more.
Please modify...
80 is the distance from Arebia ocean, not the bay of bangla. Hope it clarifies.
[మార్చు] Need Information
While article in Marathi language mr:गोदावरी नदी about en:Godavari River is developing we seek co-operation for more information related to
- Tributories coming from Karnatak,andhra,orisa,
- Erigation Projects on Godavari and Tributories
- Urban Settelements/Cities located on bank of Godavari
- Flood controll lines on Godavari for various cities
- Industries and industrial pollution on Godavari
- Translation from Marathi to English article also is welcome
-विजय 11:07, 18 ऑगस्ट 2006 (UTC)