A calendar is a system for assigning calendar dates to days. The dates may be based on the perceived motion of astronomical objects. A calendar is also a physical device (often paper) that illustrates the system (for example, a desktop calendar). The term is also used to indicate a particular set of planned events (for example, court calendar).
Eçtälek tezmäse |
[üzgärtü] Täqwimnär tözeleşläre
[üzgärtü] Qoyaş täqwimnäre
[üzgärtü] Ay täqwimnäre
[üzgärtü] Täqwimnär tezmäse
[üzgärtü] Xäzer qullanıla
- Hicri täqwime
- ISO täqwime
- Milädi täqwime
- Qıtay täqwime
- Yähüd täqwime
- Yapon täqwime
[üzgärtü] İskerde
[üzgärtü] Monı da qara
- Hicri täqwime
- Milädi täqwime
- Taríxí waqíğalar