Talk:Ultra Mobile Broadband
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[edit] References, NPOV
This page could really do with references to the proposed design, plus a rewrite of some areas as it doesn't come across as exactly neutral (the UMB Benefits area in particular. That section comes across as marketing.)
I've been working on 3GPP Long Term Evolution, trying where possible to incorporate documentation for each aspect described, and avoiding making claims about the superiority of the concept as against technical reasons why technical decisions have been made and how a particular technology choice may be an advantage over previous UMTS technical choices. Take a look, while it doesn't come across as "Wow! This is exciting!" in the same way as this article, I don't think this article really should come across that way, and the article does lack a lot of technical information. Squiggleslash 13:47, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
The introduction of VoIP home/office phones add a whole new perspective to tele-communications. Not only is it cheaper, clearer, but faster as well. Just think of the transition from dial up to cable modems. speed increased as well as connection stability. Now imagine that tech in a mobile mini computer as most cell phones have turned into. the increase of speeds and connection will allow todays data/info hungry consumers to access the web faster and increase productivity and decrease time wasted trying to find a hot spot and taking out a laptop to browse the internet. phones such as the well awaited Apple iPhone (what ever they call it after the legal debates with cisco) which are based around the computer OS type software and secondly a phone as well UMB would increase the usability and speeds on the phone. While these technologies may tend to disconnect people from reality at times and trap them in a digital world, todays and tomorrows society is growing evermore demanding of their net and digital connections to information more and more daily even look at new cars with internet access and internal computers coming out soon.