Universidade Católica de Brasília
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The Catholic University of Brasília is located in Brasília, capital of Brazil, and is administered by UBEC (Brasiliense Association for education and culture), founded at 1972 by the Maristas, Lassalistas, Salesianos and Estigmatinos.
- 1 Ideals
- 2 Location
- 3 History
- 4 Infrastructure
- 5 External links
Created with the purpose of being a reference at the college level education and integrating tutoring, research and extension programs on a growing basis, the UCB fullfils the ideals of its founders through its communitarian and filantropic foundations. Mission: " The Catholic University of Brasília has a mission of acting effectively for the full development of human beings and society, through the creation of knowledge, compromised with the quality and the ethic christian values, in search of the truth."
The UCB has two campuses: The campus I, located at the cities of Taguatinga and Águas Claras, and the campus II, located at Asa Norte, in Brasília. There are also 03 associated centers, the Dom Bosco School and the CEMA located at 702 and the Pio XII loated at 609 altoghether with the Universa Foundation, where the majority of the post-grad lato sensu degrees are approximately 45. The Brasília Cathloic Universitie's hospital (HUCB) is located at the areal avenue also in the city of Águas Claras.
The UCB history started at 1974, named as FCCH, with the following degrees: Management, Economics and (need translation: pedagogia). Its faculties and coursed multiplied as the years went by, resulting the final name of "Faculdades Integradas da Católica de Brasília (FICB). By the end of 1994, the UCB was recognized as "Universidade Católica de Brasília - UCB", by the Brazilian Federal Education Bureau, through the resolution 1827 at dec/28 that year, being published at the brazilian Official Daily Report at 12/30/1994.
The UCB has
[editar] Infra-estrutura A UCB possui unidades de apoio acadêmico, entre elas, destacam-se: Sistema de Bibliotecas - SIBI que coordena 5 bibliotecas físicas e a biblioteca virtual com mais de 100.000 títulos e 212.000 volumes, Seções de Informática (22) das quais 6 públicas, Editora Universa, 146 laboratórios, HUCB - Hospital da Universidade Católica de Brasília, Centro Católica Virtual e Educação a Distância - CCV/EAD que oferece cursos de graduação (bacharelado e licenciatura), pós-graduação Lato Sensu e extensão, conta com 25 pólos espalhados no Brasil(21), Japão(3) e Angola(1).
No Campus II funcionam 13 Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu sendo 9 Mestrados e 4 Doutorados.
Ao todo a UCB conta com uma área de cerca de 620.000m² e aproximadamente 116.000m² de área construída em todo DF (Campus I e II, HUCB e unidades associadas).