Talk:Unnecessary Fuss
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[edit] Error/Misleading Comment
The current version of this article contains the following statement: "One example was where an accidental water spill over a conscious baboon during a surgical procedure was identified, without evidence, as an acid spill. [1]".
I have to dispute the allegation that this claim was "without evidence.". If the editor had actually bothered to watch the video they would hear the voiceover describe the spill was "perhaps acid" and in fact the researchers talking about the spill themselves as "acid... it's gonna eat your balls off!" Now they may have been joking around or mistaken but this was a statement made by the experimenters on the original sound-track, so there certainly was some evidence to believe the liquid was in fact acid.
Furthermore, the cited source does not directly support the statement as it stands. While the source correctly points out that the spill was actually water, it does not say there was "no evidence" for the interpretation that it was acid.
So in conclusion, the voice-over was wrong about the spill being acid; but at the time the film was released, the producers had good reason to think it was. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 12:05, 17 February 2007 (UTC).
I have to agree with the above, upon watching the film, I clearly heard the researcher ask "What was that?" and another researcher CLEARY says "acid." This, is justifiable for Newkirk to say "perhaps acid," because the researchers use the word 'acid' within the film. This needs to be corrected right away, especially since the source of the claim is a pro-animal-experimentation document. 06:02, 16 March 2007 (UTC)