Ural characters
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Ural characters (Russian: уральские писаницы) are characters of unknown origin, made with the use of ochre, probably mixed up with blood in Ural along the coasts of Tagil River, Neyva River, Rezh River and Yurozan River. The color of characters however is different, varying from the light shades to lilac and brown, while the thickness is between 10 and 20 mm. Archaeologists date the characters back to 4,000-5,000 years BC. The existence of the Ural characters was known long ago. Peter the Great in 1699 ordered the scrivener Yakov Losyov to go there and make an exact copy.
[edit] Hypothetical origin
It was proved, that many of these characters represents the hunters however not all of them were interpreted in that way, e.g. those located near Neyva and Tagil rivers. They could represent the fishing nets, but there is no direct evidence proving it. Also there is no image of fish found among the characters. Kandidat of the geological and mineralogical sciences Vladimir Avinskiy propounded a theory of the alien origin of these characters, according to which they represent the structural chemical formulas. E.g. characters near the Neyva and Tagil rivers are considered to be a structural formula of polythene. Another character was made on the
Borodinskiye Rocks near the Rezh River. It is similar to the honeycombs of bees but is more stretched and moreover there are no bees depicted. Avinskiy supposed it to be a structure of graphite. Another character in the form of the ring with four Y-shaped branches is considered to be a formula of the antibiotic gramicidin C. Avinskiy also wrote that among the characters even the scraps of the hydrocarbon rings and the stretched hexagons of benzene rings are also considered to be and thus they are of extra-terrestrial origin, being an example of the so-called palaeocontacts.
[edit] Bibliography
- В. Н. Чернецов. Наскальные изображения Урала, 2 т.