National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future
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National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future - Selected Writings of Colin Jordan is a book collecting eleven essays advocating National Socialism. The essays extoll and exonerate Adolf Hitler, denounce Strasserites and "Hollywood Nazis", discuss R. Walther Darré's Green movement and Rudolf Hess's death, before outlining the philosophical principles of National Socialism and the practical concerns for it obtaining political power.
Collecting essays from 1966 through 1989, the book was published in Denmark, as a 136-page paperback, in 1993 by Nordland Forlag (ISBN 87-87063-40-9). A photograph of an Arno Breker statue is on the front cover.
[edit] Contents
- Introduction
- I. The Past: Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany
- Hitler Was Right!
- Adolf Hitler: The Man Against Time
- Adolf Hitler: Man of the Century
- The Enemy Within
- Book Review: Blood and soil by Anna Bramwell
- Murder at Spandau
- II. The Present: National Socialism Today
- National Socialism: A Philosophical Appraisal
- National Socialism: World View for the Future
- III. Into the Future: The National Socialist Vanguard
- Building the Vanguard
- Party Time Has Ended
- Train of Thought
- Appendices
- Letter to Gerald Kaufman, MP
- Biographical Note
- Sources
[edit] External links
- COLIN JORDAN: An example for many peopIe!, an interview with the Portuguese magazine Justica & Liberdade [Justice & Freedom].