Vance Thompson
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Vance Thompson (1863-1925) was an American literary critic of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Very much an aesthete, Thompson, along with his good friend James Huneker, helped bring fin-de-siècle French authors to the attention of the American public. Thompson also authored several books on healthy living, such as 1914's Eat and Grow Thin and 1916's Drink and Be Sober. Like his similar contemporary Edgar Saltus, he wrote a study on the ego entitled the Ego Book: a Book of Selfish Ideals (1914). A study of French authors with ties to the Symbolist movement was published in 1913, entitled French Portraits: Being Appreciations of the Writers of Young France. He co-edited the short-lived periodical M'lle New York with Huneker, which became something of a manifesto for their cultural ideals.