Village Voice Film Poll
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The Village Voice Film Poll was an annual polling by The Village Voice film section of more than 100 major film critics for alternative media sources. Although the majority of the critics work for the alt-weeklies, a number are former Voice critics who now work for the mainstream media or have retired. It is compiled every year from top ten lists, best performance lists, and votes for other categories. The poll results are printed alongside the annotated top ten lists of J. Hoberman, Dennis Lim, and Michael Atkinson.
The 1999 poll included votes for Best Film of the Decade (Safe), Best Director of the Decade (Hou Hsiao-hsien), and Best Film of the Century (Citizen Kane)
"Best Film" Winners:
- 1999 - Being John Malkovich
- 2000 - Beau travail
- 2001 - Mulholland Dr.
- 2002 - Far from Heaven
- 2003 - Lost in Translation
- 2004 - Before Sunset
- 2005 - A History of Violence
[edit] External links
- Take Seven Film Poll Official List of Poll Results and Essays for 2005 with links to previous polls