Virginia Institute for Forensic Science and Medicine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Virginia Institute for Forensic Science and Medicine is a provider of training (in a working forensic environment) for forensic scientists and pathologists. It is designed for people who have the basic background for medical examiners (which is a J.D. and an M.D.) with specific training in investigative techniques, so that they can work as medical examiners..
Over 200 faculty, many of whom are staff members of the Department of Forensic Science and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, lend their expertise as practitioners of all disciplines of forensic science and medicine. VIFSM offers post-graduate fellowships as preparation for careers in these forensic disciplines.
VIFSM does not train people in debating, which is also called forensics.
VIFSM was founded in 1999 as a 501(c) (3) organization. It was initially funded through a donation from crime novelist Patricia Cornwell, which was matched by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(A 2003 Google search on "Scarpetta Institute" yielded a link to the VIFSM Website, although VIFSM has never been known as the Scarpetta Institute. The search string is not completely ludicrous, because the money to start the instute came mostly from royalties on Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta novels, which describe the adventures of a Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia who actually hunts down the serial killers whose victims land in her morgue, rather than confining herself to doing autopsies, testifying as an expert witness, and running the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. A similar search done today doesn't yield this link but does give information about the Scarpetta books and where one might buy them.)