Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia
Roentgen's X-ray picture of the hand of Alfred von Kolliker, taken 23 January 1896; from [1], which claims copyright. Since this is an accurate reproduction of a public domain image, it is in the public domain.
If this image is not in the public domain, the following copyright and permission statement applies:
- The images that appear on this Pennsylvania State University web site belong in a collection that Radiology Centennial, Inc copyrighted in 1993. These images are intended to further scientific and educational knowledge about the history of radiology. Any person may use these images provided that they specifically acknowledge the images are copyrighted by Radiology Centennial, Inc. For reproduction requests, please contact: Stephanie Adams, Senior Archivist, The History Factory, at 703-227-9547 or email: sadams@historyfactory.com
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