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WAHM is an acronym for the term Work At Home Mother. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown. With the influx of home schooling and more mothers who wish to stay at home to raise their children, WAHMs have found working at home more beneficial to child rearing than leaving their kids at day care. Work at home mothers commonly participate in telecommuting jobs, Multi Level Marketing Programs, ECommerce.
Mompreneurs is an acronym for moms who are starting their own businesses, many of them are operated from their own home. The Center for Women's Business Research, a nonprofit organization, found that Generation X moms are the most likely to work from home. The center also reports that between 1997 to 2004, employment at female-owned companies grew by 24.2%, more than twice the rate of the 11.6% logged by all businesses.
WAHD is an acronym for the term Work At Home Dad
Another acronym, SAHM, refers to Stay At Home Mothers. In the increasing social influx of family values, a lot of career women have decided to quit their jobs after pregnancy and become a WAHM.