Warren H. Carroll
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Dr. Warren H. Carroll is a leading Catholic historian and author, and the founder of Christendom College. He received his Ph.D. in history from Columbia University.
Dr. Carroll served at one time in the CIA's anti-Communism division as a Communist propaganda analyst, a job that would later prove most beneficial when writing his monumental comprehensive study of international Communism, Seventy Years of the Communist Revolution (updated and re-released as The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution). After his conversion to the Catholic Church, Dr. Carroll worked for the Catholic magazine Triumph, and then founded Christendom College in the mid 1970s with the help of other Catholic laymen. Carroll was also the first president of the college (located in Front Royal, Virginia) until 1987, as well as the chairman of the History Department until his retirement in 2000.
Carroll currently lives in Manassas, Virginia with his wife Anne, herself the founder of Seton Junior-Senior High School and author of Christ the King, Lord of History, as well as Christ in the Americas.
[edit] Books by Warren H. Carroll
A History of Christendom (Six Volumes when complete)
The Founding of Christendom The Building of Christendom The Glory of Christendom The Cleaving of Christendom The Revolution against Christendom The Crisis of Christendom (forthcoming)
1917: Red Banner, White Mantle
Reasons for Hope (Co-authorship w/ William Marshner)
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conquest of Darkness
The Guillotine & the Cross
Isabel of Spain: The Catholic Queen
Seventy Years of the Communist Revolution - Depricated
The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution
The Last Crusade
The Tarrant Chronicles
The Chronicles of Vincent Tarrant