Weapons of Power Rangers
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The following is a list of the equipment, weaponry and relics used during the Power Rangers television series. They are arranged alphabetically according to the series in which they primarily appeared.
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[edit] Mighty Morphin'
- Power Morphers w/ Power Coins - Transformation devices for all six Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.
- Blade Blasters - The standard side arm of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, it had the ability to change from a dagger to a blaster in a matter of seconds. They were rarely used.
- Power Weapons - Personal weapons wielded by the core 5 Rangers. Can combine into the Power Blaster. The weapons are:
- Power Sword (Red)
- Power Axe (Black)
- Power Lance (Blue)
- Power Daggers (Yellow)
- Power Bow (Pink)
- Dragon Dagger - Weapon possessed by Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) during his stint as the Green Ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Whenever Tommy blew a series of notes into a flute inside of the Dragon Dagger, he automatically summoned the Dragonzord from its underwater domain. The same tone commanded the Dragon Zord to respond and/or attack at random. When Tommy lost his powers as the Green Ranger due to Rita Repulsa using a candle to drain Tommy's powers he gave the Dragon Dagger to Jason.
- Dragon Shield - Green Ranger's protective armor. When they searched for the weapons to defeat the Super Putties, he let Jason Lee Scott use the shield. In a battle with the Oysterizer monster that led to Zack Taylor being covered in acid gel, he let Zack Taylor use the shield to heal the wounds and give him energy. When he lost his powers, he gave the Dragon Shield permanently to Jason.
- Metallic Armor - When Master Vile came to the moon to power up the Tengas, Zordon gave the rangers the Metallic Armors.
- Pulse Blasters
- Rita's Wand/Scepter - Rita's personal weapon. Can zap and make monsters grow.
- Saba - A talking sword Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) gained when given the powers of the White Ranger on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. In addition to the abllity to talk, Saba could fire lasers from his eyes and, whenever Tommy inserted Saba into a slot inside the control deck of the White Tigerzord, gave Tommy direct command of the zord, allowing the zord to mimic Tommy's every move if necessary.
- Power Cannon- A massive laser cannon the Rangers gained in Season 2. Summoned by having all 6 Rangers stand in position and act as a brace to recieve the weapon, each Ranger would load a charge "ball" into a hole on the side of the cannon and on command, fire the device and unleash all 6 balls in one shot.
[edit] Zeo
- Zeonizers - Power Morphers of the Zeo Rangers from Power Rangers: Zeo. The Zeonizer was a 2-piece device worn on the arms (the first of several instances throughout the series that the Power Morpher is worn on the arm instead of carried on the waist) that contained the powers of the Zeo Crystals the Rangers obtained after their Ninja Power Coins and Command Center were destroyed. Activated by calling out "It's Morphin' Time" and, through a series of motions, pressing one part of the Zeonizer (which was worn on one arm) to the other (worn on the other arm) to unlock the powers.
- Defender Wheel
- Golden Power Staff - Device used by both Trey of Triforia and Jason Lee Scott in Power Rangers: Zeo. Initially, Trey came to Earth to assist the Zeo Rangers in their mission to fight the Machine Empire. However, when Trey, as the Gold Ranger, was wounded in battle he was forced to separate into three different entities: Trey of Courage, Trey of Wisdom, and Trey of Heart (the Treys were played by a set of real life triplets). The trio was sent back to their home world, but needed to leave the powers for another to control, so Tommy brought Jason (the former Red Ranger) to assume the powers of the Gold Ranger. What no one suspected was that the powers would have an adverse effect on Jason, causing him an increasing amount of pain every time he morphed or powered down. Once the Treys were rejoined, Jason returned the Golden Power Staff and powers to the reconnected Trey of Triforia.
- Zeo Cannon
- Zeo Sidearms - Sidearms for the Zeo Rangers, Laser Pistols and Zeo Blades can be combined for more power.
- Zeo Power Weapons - Personal weapons of the Zeo Rangers:
- Zeo V Power Sword (Red)
- Zeo IV Hatchets (Green)
- Zeo III Axes (Blue)
- Zeo II Double-Clubs (Yellow)
- Zeo I Disk/Shield (Pink)
[edit] Turbo
- Auto Blasters - Pistol carried by the Turbo Rangers of Power Rangers: Turbo. Named due to the shape of the weapon representing the side profile of a car.
- Turbo Swords - Secondary sidearms of the Turbo Rangers.
- Senturion Synergizer - Personal weapon of the Blue Senturion
- Turbine Laser - A secondary cannon used by the five Turbo Rangers. Similar in use to the Power Cannon and Zeo Cannon.
- Turbo Morphers - Power Morpher's controlled by the Turbo Rangers (Katherine, Adam, Justin, Tanya and Tommy) of Power Rangers: Turbo. Later on in the series run when Adam, Tommy, Katherine and Tanya left the team (and their respective actors Johnny Yong Bosch, Jason David Frank, Catherine Sutherland and Nakia Burrise left the show) they passed their powers on to Carlos, TJ, Ashley and Cassie respectively. Activated by the battle cry "Shift into Turbo!" and inserting a key into the Morpher and turning it, thusly "igniting" the powers. A similar (and ironic) Morpher use in a later Generation is the Brachio Morpher that former Turbo Ranger Tommy gains in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.
- Turbo Navigators - Special devices given to each of the Turbo Rangers of Power Rangers: Turbo. The device had a multitude of uses including a sensor device that the Rangers could use either by itself or in conjunction with the Turbo Megazord or Rescue Megazord.
- Turbo RAM - Shortened form of the name Turbo Robotic Arsenal Mobilizer (RAM) from Power Rangers: Turbo. It was formed from the Ranger's Turbo Weapons built into a small race car form known as the Turbo RAM.
- Turbo Weapons - Weapons of the Turbo Rangers which are:
- Turbo Lightning Sword, a sword that also resembles a car
- Turbo Hand Blasters, a pair of blasters that can fire lasers.
- Turbo Thunder Cannon, a cannon that can decimate any foe in one shot.
- Turbo Star Chargers, a pair of knuckle-dusters that can fire sparks.
- Turbo Wind Fire, an arrow that can fire out of the four barrels by a pull.
[edit] In Space
- Astro Blasters - Pistol weapon carried by the Space Rangers of Power Rangers: In Space.
- Astro Morphers - Transformation devices of the Space Rangers of Power Rangers in Space. Given to the four former Turbo Rangers TJ, Carlos, Cassie and Ashley by Andros. Activated by calling out "Let's Rocket" and (seen in only a few episodes) entering the code number 3-3-5 on the Morpher's keypad.
- Digimorpher - Zhane, the Silver Ranger's personal transformation device. Activated by the call "Let's Rocket" entering the code number 2-5-8-0 on the Morpher's keypad to spell "MEGA".
- Quadroblaster - Laser rifle composed of the personal weapons of the Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Space Rangers.
- Space Weapons - The personal weapons of the Space Rangers. The Spiral Saber (Red), Lunar Lance (Black), Astro Axe (Blue), Star Slinger (Yellow), and Satellite Stunner (Pink).
- Super Silverizer - Personal weapon of the Silver Ranger.
- Battlizer - It allows Andros to deliver energized punches, control the Delta Megazord, and transform into the Red Battlized Ranger
[edit] Lost Galaxy
- Transmorphers- Power Morphers controlled by the Galaxy Rangers. Activated by the call "Go Galactic!"
- Armor Keys - Two magical keys that allow the Red Galaxy Ranger to access high-tech battle armor.
- Magna Blaster - Personal weapon of the Magna Defender.
- Magna Defender Morpher- Power Morpher given to Mike in Lost Galaxy, activated by the call "Magna Power!"
- Quasar Launchers
- Quasar Sabers- Swords carried by the Galaxy Rangers. The swords were used at times in conjunction with the Lights of Orion power boost. When the Power Rangers removed the Sabers from a stone located on the planet Mirinoi, they gained their Ranger powers. When the Rangers (and Terra Venture) crash-landed on Mirinoi in the final episode of Lost Galaxy, the Rangers returned the Sabers to the stone and broke the petrifying stone spell that had frozen the planet and its inhabitants.
- Transdaggers - Special daggers carried by the Galaxy Rangers of Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy that can change into one of five weapons. Use of the Transdaggers allowed the Rangers to summon the Galactabeasts and if necessary transform the Galactabeasts into their robotic Zord modes to form the Galaxy Megazord.
- Lights of Orion
[edit] Lightspeed Rescue
- Rescue Morphers- Power Morphers given to the Lightspeed Rangers by the Commander of Lightspeed, Captain Mitchell (thusly becoming the 1st Morphers whose Ranger powers were not mystically created). Activated by the battle call "Lightspeed Rescue!"
- Titanium Morpher- Power Morpher possessed by Ryan Mitchell. Activated by the call "Titanium Power!"
- Rescue Blasters - Sidearms carried by the five main Lightspeed Rangers.
- Rescue Bird - Weapons system comprised of five rescue weapons used by the five main Lightspeed Rangers.
- Titanium Laser - Titanium Ranger's personal weapon.
- Battle Boosters - Given to the Lightspeed Rangers in Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue, allowing them to access more powerful moves and weapons.
- Mega Battles - Special armor given to the Blue and Green Lightspeed Rangers.
- V-Lancers - Staff-like weapons that materialize from a red V when summoned. Each V-Lancer acts as a blaster in addition to its default staff mode, by attaching a Rescue Blaster handle, and can launch the Spectra Blast to destroy enemies.
- Thermo Blasters - Intense heat blasters color-coded for each Ranger. Their firepower can be boosted once a Battle Booster is attached.
- Trans-Armor Cycle - A personal motorcycle given to the Red Lightspeed Ranger that can become armor and weapons for him.
[edit] Time Force
- Chrono Morphers - Power Morpher of the Time Force Rangers of Power Rangers: Time Force. When the four Time Force members went back in time from the year 3000 to the year 2001 to capture Ransik, the team found that they could not activate their morphers unless the Red Chrono Morpher was activated using a DNA match to its owner (Alex). When Wes met the team it was learned that Wes is an exact DNA match to Alex (of course meaning that Alex is a descendant of Wes, though never explained in the series). Activated with the call "Time for Time Force!"
- Chrono Blasters - Sidearms carried by all Time Force officers.
- Chrono Sabers - Special sidearms carried exclusively by the Time Force Rangers.
- Vortex Blaster/V-Weapons - Personal weapons of the five Time Force Rangers.
- Quantum Morpher - Power Morpher used by Eric Myers of Power Rangers: Time Force. While a member of the Silver Guardians, Eric found the Quantum Morpher and by placing it on his wrist (another instance of a Morpher worn on the wrist instead of on a belt) unlocked the powers of the Quantum Ranger. The Morpher also gives Eric vocal command of the Quantasaurus Rex Zord, or Q-Rex Zord for short. The Vocal Mode on the Quantum Morpher made it the first (and so far only) voice-activated Moprher in Power Rangers history. Also gave Eric the ability to summon a suit of armor and weaponry (similar to a Battlizer/Battlizer armor). Activated with the call of "Quantum Power!"
- Quantum Defender - Quantum Ranger's personal weapon.
- Electro Booster - Various attachments to a Chrono Saber, changing it into a laser rifle.
- Battle Warrior Armor - Battlizer-like armor used by the Red Time Force Ranger.
- Mega Battle Armor - Armor used by the Quantum Ranger.
[edit] Wild Force
- Animal Crystals - Crystals carried by the Wild Force rangers to summon the zords from the Animarium
- Crystal Sabers - A sword in Power Rangers Wild Force used to summon the Wild Zords when an animal crystal is inserted and the command "Wild Zords, descend!" is given.
- Growl Phones - Power Morphers controlled by the Wild Force Rangers of Power Rangers: Wild Force. Unlike past Morphers the Growl Phones were in the shape of cell phones. Activated by the battle cry "Wild Access!"
- Lunar Caller - Name of the Morpher/Growl Phone possessed by Merrick Baliton from Power Rangers: Wild Force. Activated by the battle cry "Wild Access"
- Wild Force Weapons - The individual weapons carried by the Wild Force Rangers of Power Rangers: Wild Force. They are:
- Red Lion Fang
- Black Bison Axe
- Blue Shark Fighting Fins
- Golden Eagle Sword
- White Tiger Baton
- Falconator
- Rhino Shooter
- Sword of Pardolis
- Armadillo Puck
- Deer Clutcher
- The first 5 weapons can be combined to form a Mega Power Weapon (Jungle Sword).
- The last 5 weapons can be combined to form a secondary Mega Power Weapon (Jungle Blaster).
- Jungle Sword - Power Weapon formed by combining the Wild Force Rangers' individual weapons on Power Rangers: Wild Force. The Jungle Sword is formed by the Red Lion Fang, Golden Eagle Sword, Blue Shark Fighting Fins, Black Bison Axe and White Tiger Baton. When combined the weapon can unleash a devastating attack called Savage Slash.
- Jungle Blaster - Cannon formed by combining the Wild Force Rangers' secondary individual weapons on Power Rangers: Wild Force. The Jungle Blaster is formed by the Falconator, Armadillo Puck, Sword of Pardolis, Rhino Shooter, and Deer Clutcher.
- Lunar Cue - Personal weapon used by the Lunar Wolf Ranger. Has three modes: Saber Mode - a sword, Sniper Mode - a laser blaster, and Break Mode - a pool stick form used for the finishing move, as well as to summon his Wild Zords.
- Lion Blaster - Personal blaster used by the Red Wild Force Ranger. Transforms from the Red Lion Fang.
- Falcon Summoner
- Animarium Armor - The Wild Force "Battlizer".
[edit] Ninja Storm
- Ninja Swords
- Power Discs - Special discs given to each of the Wind, Thunder, and Samurai Rangers. Each disc could be used to summon a robotic creature capable of turning into a weapon from an encasing ball, once the disc was placed in a slot, locked in and by turning a handle, dropped into place to expel the disc.
- Samurai Cyclone Morpher - Power Morpher used by Cameron "Cam" Watanabe (Jason Chan), from Power Rangers: Ninja Storm. When a monster stole the powers of both the Wind Rangers and Thunder Rangers, Cam took on a quest to use the Scroll of Time to go back in time to find the Samurai Amulet, which was possessed by his late mother. When Cam got to the past he met not only his mother and father, but also his uncle Lothor, who wanted the amulet for his own evil purposes. After being defeated by Cam, Lothor was banished not only from the Wind Ninja Academy, but Earth completely (though he would later return in the future as the Ninja Ranger's enemy). Cam's mother gave Cam the Samurai Amulet, which bore the Samurai Morpher. Shaped like a small green ball (in Amulet form) that can be removed to activate the Morpher in larger form. Activated by the command "Samurai Storm, Ranger Form!"
- Wind Morphers - Power Morphers carried by Shane, Tori and Dustin from Power Rangers: Ninja Storm. Activated by the battle cry "Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!"
- Thunder Morphers - Power Morphers carried by Hunter and Blake from Power Rangers: Ninja Storm. Activated with the battle cry "Thunder Storm, Ranger Form!"
- Ninja Swords/Laser Blasters - Sidearms for the Wind Rangers.
- Thunder Staffs - Sidearms for the Thunder Rangers.
- Battlizer
- Ninja Storm Weapons - Personal weapons used by the Wind and Thunder Rangers from Power Rangers: Ninja Storm. They are:
- Hawk Blaster (Red)
- Sonic Fin (Blue)
- Lion Hammer (Yellow)
- Crimson Blaster (Crimson)
- Navy Antler (Navy)
- Storm Striker - Mega Weapon formed from the Hawk Blaster, Sonic Fin, and Lion Hammer. Can be assembled into one of three forms:
- "Hawk Mode" - with Hawk Blaster on the front.
- "Dolphin Mode" - with the Sonic Fin on the front.
- "Lion Mode" - with the Lion Hammer on the front.
- Thunder Blaster - Mega Weapon formed from the Crimson Blaster and Navy Antler.
- Thunderstorm Cannon - Mega Weapon formed by attaching the Thunder Blaster on the front of the Storm Striker's "Lion Mode".
- Samurai Saber - Personal weapon of the Green Samurai Ranger.
- Lightning Riff Blaster
- Thunder Blade
[edit] Dino Thunder
- Dino Gems - Prehistoric gemstones found in a meteorite by Dr Thomas (Tommy) Oliver of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. When Connor, Ethan and Kira found the secret basement lair in which Dr. Oliver had stored the meteorite they found the Red, Blue, and Yellow Dino Gems respectively, which in turn fused their powers to each teen and gave them amazing powers that were later augmented by the Dino Morphers. Later, Tommy took the Black Dino Gem from Mesogog, and Mesogog found the White Dino Gem, which would ultimately end up in Trent's possession.
- Dino Morphers - Power Morphers carried by Conner, Ethan and Kira of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. Activated by the battle cry "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"
- Brachio Morpher - Morpher used by Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers: Dino Thunder, thus making it the 4th Power Morpher Tommy controlled in the entire series (Power Morpher, Zeonizer/Zeo Ranger 5 and Turbo Morpher/Red Lightning being the other three). Activated when Tommy swiped the Black Dino Gem, which gives Tommy the power of invisibility, from Mesogog. Like the Turbo Morpher (as a slight nod to Turbo since it occurred in the 500th episode of the Power Rangers run), the morpher is activated by the battle cry "Dino Thunder, Power Up!" and inserting a Brachio Key in the device and turning it to unlock the powers.
- Drago Morpher - Power Morpher controlled by Trent Fernandez-Mercer (Jeffrey Parrazzo) in Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. Activated by the cry "White Ranger, Dino Power!", though whenever he was partnered with the other 4 Rangers he would also use "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"
- Super Dino Mode - Special power boost given to the Dino Rangers of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder. By calling out "Super Dino Mode!", each Ranger suit changed with fins growing from the gloves, ridges forming in the white portions (or for White Ranger the black portions) of their suits, a simulated "roaring" effect on their helmets, and for the Yellow Ranger wing extensions under each arm.
- Thundermax Sabers - Sidearms of the Red, Blue, and Yellow Dino Thunder Rangers.
- Dino Weapons - Personal weapons of the Dino Thunder Rangers. The weapons are the Tyranno Staff (Red), Tricera Shield (Blue), Ptera Grips (Yellow), Brachio Staff (Black), and Drago Sword (White).
- Z-Rex Blaster - Mega Weapon formed by combining the Tyranno Staff, Tricera Shield, Ptera Grips. Can also be powered up by attaching the Brachio Staff. By combining all 5 Dino Weapons, it becomes the Z-Rex Blaster Super Mode.
- Shield of Triumph - Personal weapon of the Triassic Ranger as well as his morphing device.
- Battlizer - "Morpher" used by the Triassic Ranger to access his Battlizer Armor.
[edit] SPD
- Delta Enforcers - Double barrelled laser blasters carried by the SPD Rangers while in their SWAT Mode gear on Power Rangers: SPD. Additionally, the SPD SWAT Megazord transforms into a giant Delta Enforcer as its final strike attack.
- SPD Morphers - Power Morphers carried by the SPD Rangers of Power Rangers: SPD, colored white with a black faceplate that is able to flip down and white letering on the face with 2 small "lights" near the activation button. This morpher has 5 specific modes:
- Identification/Communication Mode, which allows the Rangers to be in consistent contact with each other and SPD Headquarters. Also allows for the summoning of the Delta Runners.
- Morph Mode: Activated when any Ranger gives the command "SPD, Emergency!" and unlocks the Ranger's powers.
- Judgment Mode: When a criminal is tried by any SPD Ranger, the morpher is activated to go into Judgement Mode. This activates the Judgement Scanner, which weighs evidence and the suspect's DNA to determine a suspect's guilt or innocence (a green circle appears if the suspect is innocent, a red X if guilty). This means the Scanner is NEVER wrong.
- Containment Mode: The final step if a suspect is found guilty. The device shoots a beam that places the convicted suspect in a "card" that makes transporting easier.
- SWAT Mode: Once the Rangers completed their training with Sergeant Silverback, the Morphers were integrated with the SWAT technology. The SWAT mode gives each Ranger a heavy flak-jacket like black upper armor, special access to new technology powers and headset microphones, and most importantly their Delta Enforcer weapons. Going into SWAT Mode is the only way to access the SWAT Flyers to activate the SWAT Megazord.
- Commander Doggie Cruger also possesses a Morpher similar to an SPD Morpher, save for the fact that it is all black with gold lettering and known as the Patrol Morpher that transforms him into Shadow Ranger. The Omega Ranger also possesses a Morpher called the Omega Morpher, which is similar to a motorcycle throttle handlebar. All SPD Morphers are worn on a side clip on the Ranger's waist save for the Omega Morpher which is worn on the Omega Ranger's arm. Neither the Patrol Morpher nor the Omega Morpher have the SWAT Mode enabled.
- Delta Blasters - Red SPD Rangers personal sidearms.
- Deltamax Strikers - Blue, Green, Yellow, & Pink SPD Rangers personal sidearms. Can be split into a baton/sword and tazer-like weapon.
- R.I.C. (Robotic Interactive Canine) - A robotic dog that can change into the Canine Cannon and the SPD Battlizer's Sonic Mode armor.
- Battlizer/Magna Morpher - Used by the Red SPD Ranger to access the SPD Battlizer.
[edit] Mystic Force
- Mystic Morphers - Power Morphers controlled by the Mystic Rangers of Power Rangers: Mystic Force. Originally in the form of magic wands, the Mystic Morphers were transformed by the sorceress Udonna into modern-day cell phones for the Rangers to carry around concealed (this is the 2nd time that a Morpher has taken on a cell phone shape, the Growl Phones and Lunar Caller from Power Rangers: Wild Force being the first). Activated by dialing a Spell Code and calling "Magical Source, Mystic Force!"
- Magi Staffs - Weapons carried by the 5 Mystic Rangers. Basic form is Wand Mode, but can change into three other modes: Sword Mode - used by the Red Mystic Ranger, Axe Mode - used by the Green Mystic Ranger, Crossbow Mode - used by the Yellow Mystic Ranger. The White Mystic Ranger also has her own Magi Staff called the Snow Staff.
- Solar Cell Morpher - Morpher used by Daggeron, the Solaris Knight of Power Rangers: Mystic Force. The device is a cell phone/ticket puncher hybrid. Daggeron uses the Solar Cell Morpher to morph, summon the Solar Streak Train, and to combine the Solar Streak Train cars into the Solar Streak Megazord.
- Mystic Force Fighters - A pair of boxing gloves used by the 5 main Mystic Rangers that has 2 gems almost to the end.
- Solaris Laser Lamp - Magic lamp owned by the Solaris Knight and home to Jenji. Can change into a blaster.
- Legend Mode - A team power-up, including armor with a gem on it.
- Mystic Lion Staffs - Staff weapons used while in Legend Mode.
- Fierce Cell Morpher - Morpher for Nick Russell in Legend Mode to transform into the Red Dragon Fire Ranger.
- Red Mystic Morpher - Personal Morpher of Leanbow
- Shield and Sword of Fire - Personal weapon of the Wolf Warrior
- Ancient Mystic Mode - Leanbow, Callidor, Daggeron, Clare, and Nella have the form. During Daggeron's morphing sequence, the viewer is given a brief glimpse of his Ancient Mystic Mode that represents the sun (as his powers as the Solaris Knight are derived from the sun). Calindor had an Ancient Mystic Mode that assumed a creature with manty lighting bolt-like extensions and lighting bolt-like wings. Clare has an Ancient Mystic Mode which assembled the Shining Moon Warrior. Nella had that form when she was alive. Leanbow had an Ancient Mystic Mode which assumed and red-and-purple demon.
- Mystic Muscles - Xander's personal mode.
- Sword and Shield of Darkness - Koragg's personal weapon.
- Dark Mystic Morpher - Koragg used it to give Imperious the strength and destroy the Power Rangers
[edit] Operation Overdrive
- Overdrive Trackers - Power Morphers used by the Rangers of Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive. Activated by the command call "Overdrive Accelerate!"
- Drive Defenders - Sidearms used by the Overdrive Rangers. Has a blaster mode and a sword mode.
- Drive Weapons - Power Weapons used by the Overdrive Rangers. They consist of:
- The Red Ranger wields the Drive Lance, a staff with an extendable blade.
- The Black Ranger wields the Drive Slammer, a giant hammer.
- The Blue Ranger wields the Drive Vortex, a handheld fan that can create strong winds.
- The Yellow Ranger wields the Drive Claws, two handheld bulldozer buckets that can be used to slash.
- The Pink Ranger wields the Drive Geyser, a powerful water-based gun.
[edit] See also
- Battlizer - A device that when activated gives the possessing Ranger the ability to summon a suit of armor, giving them additional power and abilities. By conventional rules. the Battlizer (alternately spelled Battlyzer) is given to and controlled by the Red Ranger of each team. The Battlizer/Battlyzer has been part of the Power Rangers world since it first came to existence in Power Rangers in Space and has been given to every Red Ranger since.
- Enhancement Modes in Power Rangers Modes that are used to make the Rangers more powerful.
- Power Morphers - Succinct definition of the devices the chosen Rangers use to transform from human to Ranger form. The Morpher is stored on the Rangers where they can reach it so that they can morph at a moment's notice.
- Power Weapons - Special individual weapons wielded by the Power Rangers. In some cases the Power Weapons can be combined together to form a Mega Power Weapon. An example of this is formed by the Tyranno Staff, Tricera Shield and Ptera Daggers of Power Rangers: Dino Thunder combining to form the Z-Rex Blaster. The Brachio Staff and Drago Sword can be combined as well to form a more powerful version for the Z-Rex Blaster.