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[edit] Criticisms
The criticisms are kind of harsh... no? 18:14, 9 March 2006 (UTC)
I would love to see those guidelines the criticism mentions and whether they are for web pages or web applications which is what Vista has become Elrond25 16:23, 1 June 2006 (UTC)
The problem is that most of Vista shouldn't be as complex as it is. Most of the time spent using it by a student will be simply to find links to resources such as lecture notes, tutorials and whatnot. Yes, the criticism is harsh, but it really is horrible in so many ways. Take this from somebody who has been forced to use it. Disclaimer: I haven't contributed to this article, nor do I intend to, since I'm well aware of my severe bias! ;) 09:22, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
As a long-time user of WebCT (since 1998), and as a university staff member who supports the use of WebCT for both faculty and students, I think the criticism is not entirely fair. It represents a single point of view. It is in some ways accurate - for instance WebCT does "break" the back button, but that is true of almost every product that attempts to do the same thing as WebCT - it is true of Blackboard, it's true of Sakai, and it's true of eCollege. The software has steadily become more compliant with usability standards, and has increased it's access to disabled users - while it has not met the full requirements, criticizing it for this is to ignore it's history of improvement. WebCT deserves some criticism, it just needs to be a little more even-handed. I'm rewriting that portion. --d'Elaphant 14:38, 3 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Lawsuit
I saw Fa75 just kept reversing other people changes on the lawsuit regarding accessability in the criticisms section. I could see there are the other side information than those described currently by Fa75. I would love to see Fa75 bring his opinions to here rather than just plainly reversing other people edits and calling other people "naughty user". Calling other people "naughty" does not help improving the page and it does not conform with the general practice of wiki. --ppa 20:35, 2 August 2006 (UTC)