Talk:Web syndication
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[edit] Real-time Syndication?
What about syndication strategies which push changes in real-time to the recipient rather than letting the recipient periodically poll for them?
In some cases only the fact that a change has happened is transmitted, as in the case of IRC Bots or other chat notification.
In some other cases the entire content is pushed to the target, as in the case of E-Mail Alerts or NNTP, which however only does a push type of distribution to its node servers. The last mile to the news browser is usually polled rather than pushed.
Do we have a document listing suitable push technologies? Apparently not.
Even more interesting is multicast push, where the news is distributed efficiently to an arbitrary amount of recipients. Are IRC and PSYC the only technologies providing this type of scalable instant notification? --SymlynX 19:14, 29 October 2006 (UTC)
Citations showing first large scale Interent syndication of online content. Miniclip's Dancing Bush game was freely syndicated to all websites:
- Wall St. Journal, Jan., 2002 article referring to 2001 Dancing Bush sensation:
- Library of Cogress, archive, Oct, 23, 2001 :*sa_/ clearly shows Dancing Bush freely syndicated: "Put on your site for free" link under Dancing Bush game. This is the earliest archived example of a large website freely syndicating online content.
- Google: Go to google and type in "dancing bush" to see the thousands of websites that Dancing Bush was syndicated to.
- Comscore Media Metrix Industry reports: showing Miniclip as a top newcomer to the Internet (a major website) in 2001 with over 1 million users.
- Dancing Bush game with 2001 copyright notice and syndication link: "Put this on your website for free"
- One of the first websites it was syndicated to with the syndication link visible in game under the "more" button: