The List: What's In and Out
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The Washington Post, annually publishes The List: What's In and Out which is written by Hank Stuever, who writes and comments on style for the Arts and Living section of the newspaper. The List, (typically published annually at the beginning of a new year) itemizes people, places, things, and even ideas--and rates them as either "out" (not popular, not fun, not recommended) or "in" (popular, fun, and recommended).
The list has been criticized for being mostly or completely subjective. Sometimes a person has been considered both "Out" and "In" (for example, Madonna in 1985 and Al Gore in 2007). At other times, the list makes indirect references to people; also in 2007, listed as "Out" is "Wrestling-coach voice" (this is a veiled reference to out-going Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert) while listed as "In" is "Mother-of-five voice" (a veiled reference to in-coming Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi).
[edit] "Out" and "In" for 2007
The following is a partial list of things "Out" and "In" for 2007: