From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- I'm sorry, I didn't realize that free content with no copyright notice that is actually not copyrighted at all on a free fortune city page was off limits.
- No problem, everyone makes mistakes. If you obtain permission from the author, or better yet convince the author to put his own content and wikipedia and release it into public domain, that would be optimal. Otherwise, I can suggest you read the original page and re-write it in your own words (best if you can do it from memory), or at least compile the information from many different sources. -- Bubbachuck 17:41, 12 August 2005 (UTC)
- I added all the information on Whirlwind's powers and history. One problem: The information on his history is waaaaaaay outdated. If anyone can update his history so that its more modern, that would be optimal. TheImpossibleMan