Wikipedia:WikiProject Indigenous peoples of North America/Article Classification/Migrating
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We are transitioning to the new classification scheme and many articles have been tagged with {{NorthAmNative}} and classified. Many were classified based on the old scheme's classification. But at that time there was no way to record comments.
Subsequently a scheme to record comments (and have them appear in the classification tables) has been developed. It involves creating a subpage of the talk page (where the was already added) and putting the comments there. There are a LOT of comments that should be rescued.
It's actually pretty easy to rescue them. Here are step by step instructions:
- Go here Wikipedia:WikiProject Indigenous peoples of North America/Article Classification/Archive and pick an assessed article (uncommented articles don't need migration) to migrate.
- Edit the section, that is, click on the edit link at the right of the letter, and change the heading to say "X - in progress". Save the edit. This prevents someone else from doing the same letter as you and wasting effort.
- Edit the section again (perhaps in another window so you have the article links in one window/tab and the content in another.
- Migrate each comment.
- Suppose you're doing Coast Salish. The contents of that table entry looks like this:
|[[Coast Salish]]||6 May 06||bgcolor=#77BBFF|Fairly superficial and only links to certain subgroups; this is a subset of [[Salishan languages]] but written more as a thing about "a people", when really of course the Coast Salish are many peoples only classified by linguistic commonalities and no other political unity. This article is either unnecessary, or a should be a secondary index within [[Salishan languages]]; and all subgroups should be listed. [[User:Skookum1|Skookum1]]
- Put it all into the clipboard (CTRL+C).
- Then visit the Coast Salish article, click on the talk/discussion tab, then click on the "if appropriate, please review the article and then leave comments [here] to" link in the template box which should bring you to an empty page at this link: Talk:Coast Salish/Comments.
- Paste your clipboard into the page. (CTRL+V)
- Do a little editing to make it look like this instead (after you do a few it goes by rote, trust me) basically what you are doing is removing the pipes and putting the date after the user that rated.
Fairly superficial and only links to certain subgroups; this is a subset of [[Salishan languages]] but written more as a thing about "a people", when really of course the Coast Salish are many peoples only classified by linguistic commonalities and no other political unity. This article is either unnecessary, or a should be a secondary index within [[Salishan languages]]; and all subgroups should be listed. -- [[User:Skookum1|Skookum1]] (6 May 06)
- If there are multiple comments, do basically that to each one, but put an "*" in front of each one. You may have to look closely to see whose sig and date goes with which commment. The sig at the end usually goes with the first one.
- Optional: If the comment is out of date, you disagree with it, or want to add something, add your own comment at the bottom, again using a "*".
- Preview and if happy, save.
- When you finish an article, edit the Comments section again (in Wikipedia:WikiProject Indigenous peoples of North America/Article Classification/Archive) to change it to say "X (Comments migrated by John, July 7, 2006)" (your name and current date of course) so we know that one is done.
For merges, put the merged commments in the destination article with "these commments from mergedin article xxxx".
Please direct any questions to me, or to the Project's Talk page. Thanks for your help!
Note: this is the same migration that WP:Beatles is undergoing so if you have questions, please also feel free to ask User:Lar for help, he did some of the work on how that migration is being done.