Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Missing diseases/2
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- Bébé Collodion syndrome
- Baber's syndrome
- Bagatelle Cassidy syndrome
- Bahemuka Brown syndrome
- Baker Vinters syndrome
- Baker-Winegard syndrome
- Ballard syndrome
- Ballistophobia
- Balo disease
- Balo's concentric sclerosis
- Bamforth syndrome
- BANF acoustic neurinoma
- Banki syndrome
- Baraitser Brett Piesowicz syndrome
- Baraitser Rodeck Garner syndrome
- Barber Say syndrome
- Bare lymphocyte syndrome 2
- Bare lymphocyte syndrome
- Barnicoat Baraitser syndrome
- Barrow Fitzsimmons syndrome
- Bartsocas Papa syndrome
- Bartter syndrome, antenatal form
- Bartter's disease
- Basal cell nevus anodontia abnormal bone mineralization
- Basan syndrome
- Basaran Yilmaz syndrome
- Basedow's coma
- Basilar impression primary
- Bassoe syndrome
- Battaglia Neri syndrome
- Batten Turner muscular dystrophy
- Baughman syndrome
- Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome
- Bazopoulou Kyrkanidou syndrome
- Bd syndrome
- Beals syndrome
- Beardwell syndrome
- Becker disease
- Beemer Ertbruggen syndrome
- Beemer Langer syndrome
- Behrens Baumann Dust syndrome
- Bellini Chiumello Rinoldi syndrome
- Ben Ari Shuper Mimouni syndrome
- Benallegue Lacete syndrome
- Bencze syndrome
- Benign autosomal dominant myopathy
- Benign familial infantile convulsions
- Benign familial infantile epilepsy
- Benign lymphoma
- Benign mucosal pemphigoid
- Bentham Driessen Hanveld syndrome
- Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy
- Berry aneurysm, cirrhosis, pulmonary emphysema, and cerebral calcification
- Beta ketothiolase deficiency
- Beta-galactosidase-1 deficiency
- Beta-mannosidosis
- Beta-sarcoglycanopathy
- Beta-thalassemia major anemia
- Bethlem myopathy
- Bickel Fanconi glycogenosis
- Bidirectional tachycardia
- Biemond syndrome type 1
- Biemond syndrome type 2
- Biemond syndrome
- Biermer disease
- Bifid nose dominant
- Bilateral renal agenesis dominant type
- Bilateral renal agenesis
- Biliary atresia, extrahepatic
- Biliary atresia, intrahepatic, non syndromic form
- Biliary atresia, intrahepatic, syndromic form
- Biliary hypoplasia
- Biliary malformation renal tubular insufficiency
- Biliary tract cancer
- Billard Toutain Maheut syndrome
- Billet Bear syndrome
- Bindewald Ulmer Muller syndrome
- Bird headed dwarfism Montreal type
- Birdshot chorioretinopathy
- Bixler Christian Gorlin syndrome
- Bjornstad syndrome
- Blaichman syndrome
- Blepharo cheilo dontic syndrome
- Blepharo facio skeletal syndrome
- Blepharo naso facial syndrome Van maldergem type
- Blepharonasofacial malformation syndrome
- Blepharophimosis nasal groove growth retardation
- Blepharophimosis ptosis esotropia syndactyly short
- Blepharophimosis ptosis syndactyly mental retardation
- Blepharophimosis syndrome Ohdo type
- Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus
- Blepharophimosis
- Blepharoptosis aortic anomaly
- Blepharoptosis cleft palate ectrodactyly dental anomalies
- Blepharoptosis myopia ectopia lentis
- Blethen Wenick Hawkins syndrome
- Blomstrand syndrome
- Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited
- Blood vessel disorder
- Blount disease
- BOD syndrome
- Boder syndrome
- Bone development disorder
- Bone dysplasia Azouz type
- Bone dysplasia corpus callosum agenesis
- Bone dysplasia lethal Holmgren type
- Bone dysplasia Moore type
- Bone fragility craniosynostosis proptosis hydrocephalus
- Bone marrow failure neurologic abnormalities
- Bone marrow failure
- Bonneau-Beaumont syndrome
- Bonneman Meinecke Reich syndrome
- Bonnemann Meinecke syndrome
- Bonnevie Ullrich Turner syndrome
- Book syndrome
- Boomerang dysplasia
- Booth Haworth Dilling syndrome
- BOR syndrome
- Borjeson Syndrome
- Bork Stender Schmidt syndrome
- Borrone Di Rocco Crovato syndrome
- Boscherini Galasso Manca Bitti syndrome
- Bosma Henkin Christiansen syndrome
- Boucher Neuhauser syndrome
- Boudhina Yedes Khiari syndrome
- Bowen syndrome
- Bowen-Conradi syndrome
- Bowenoid papulosis
- Bowing congenital short bones
- Bowing of long bones congenital
- Boylan Dew Greco syndrome
- Brachioskeletogenital syndrome
- Brachman-de Lange syndrome
- Brachycephalofrontonasal dysplasia
- Brachycephaly deafness cataract mental retardation
- Brachydactylous dwarfism Mseleni type
- Brachydactyly absence of distal phalanges
- Brachydactyly anonychia
- Brachydactyly clinodactyly
- Brachydactyly dwarfism mental retardation
- Brachydactyly elbow wrist dysplasia
- Brachydactyly hypertension
- Brachydactyly long thumb type
- Brachydactyly mesomelia mental retardation heart defects
- Brachydactyly nystagmus cerebellar ataxia
- Brachydactyly preaxial hallux varus
- Brachydactyly scoliosis carpal fusion
- Brachydactyly small stature face anomalies
- Brachydactyly Smorgasbord type
- Brachydactyly tibial hypoplasia
- Brachydactyly type a2
- Brachydactyly type a3
- Brachydactyly type A5 nail dysplasia
- Brachydactyly type a6
- Brachydactyly type a7
- Brachydactyly type B
- Brachydactyly type C
- Brachydactyly type e
- Brachydactyly types b and e combined
- Brachymesomelia renal syndrome
- Brachymesophalangy 2 and 5
- Brachymesophalangy mesomelic short limbs osseous anomalies
- Brachymesophalangy type 2
- Brachymetapody anodontia hypotrichosis albinoidism
- Brachymorphism onychodysplasia dysphalangism syndrome
- Brachyolmia recessive Hobaek type
- Brachyolmia
- Brachytelephalangy characteristic facies Kallmann
- Braddock Carey syndrome
- Braddock Jones Superneau syndrome
- Brain Stem Neoplasms
- Branchial arch defects
- Branchial arch syndrome X linked
- Branchio oculo facial syndrome Hing type
- Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome
- Branchiootorenal syndrome
- Breast and ovarian cancer
- Breast cancer, familial
- Brittle bone syndrome lethal type
- Brittle cornea syndrome
- Broad beta disease
- Broad-betalipoproteinemia
- Bronchiectasis oligospermia
- Bronchiolitis obliterans with obstructive pulmonary disease
- Bronchogenic cyst
- Bronchopulmonary amyloidosis
- Brown syndrome
- Bruck syndrome
- Brunoni syndrome
- Bruyn Scheltens syndrome
- Bulbospinal amyotrophy, X-linked
- Bull Nixon syndrome
- Bullous dystrophy macular type
- Bullous ichtyosiform erythroderma congenita
- Buntinx Lormans Martin syndrome
- Burn Goodship syndrome
- Burnett Schwartz Berberian syndrome
- Burning mouth syndrome- Type 3
- Buschke Ollendorff syndrome
- Bustos Simosa Pinto Cisternas syndrome
- Buttiens Fryns syndrome
- Butyrylcholinesterase deficiency
- C1 esterase deficiency, (type 2 with ascites)
- Cacchi Ricci disease
- CACH syndrome
- CAHMR syndrome
- Calciphylaxis
- Calderon Gonzalez Cantu syndrome
- Calloso genital dysplasia
- Callus disease
- Calpainopathy
- Calvarial hyperostosis
- Camera Marugo -Cohen syndrome
- Camfak syndrome
- Campomelia Cumming type
- Camptobrachydactyly
- Camptocormism
- Camptodactyly fibrous tissue hyperplasia skeletal dysplasia
- Camptodactyly joint contractures facial skeletal dysplasia
- Camptodactyly overgrowth unusual facies
- Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 1
- Camptodactyly syndrome Guadalajara type 2
- Camptodactyly taurinuria
- Camptodactyly vertebral fusion
- Camptomelic syndrome
- Camurati Engelmann disease
- Candidiasis familial chronic
- Cantalamessa Baldini Ambrosi syndrome
- Cantu Sanchez Corona Fragoso syndrome
- Cantu Sanchez Corona Garcia syndrome
- Cantu Sanchez Corona Hernandes syndrome
- Capillary leak syndrome with monoclonal gammopathy
- Capillary venous leptomeningeal angiomatosis
- Capos syndrome
- Caratolo Cilio Pessagno syndrome
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
- Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase I deficiency disease (ornithine carbamoyl phosphate deficiency)
- Carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
- Carbon baby syndrome
- Carbonic anhydrase II deficiency
- Carcinoma of the vocal tract
- Cardiac and laterality defects
- Cardiac conduction defect, familial
- Cardiac diverticulum
- Cardiac hydatid cysts with intracavitary expansion
- Cardiac malformation
- Cardiac valvular dysplasia, X-linked
- Cardioauditory syndrome of Sanchez- Cascos
- Cardioauditory syndrome
- Cardiofacial syndrome short limbs
- Cardiogenital syndrome
- Cardiomelic syndrome Stratton Koehler type
- Cardiomyopathic lentiginosis
- Cardiomyopathy cataract hip spine disease
- Cardiomyopathy diabetes deafness
- Cardiomyopathy dilated with conduction defect type 1
- Cardiomyopathy due to anthracyclines
- Cardiomyopathy hearing loss type t RNA lysine gene mutation
- Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism metabolic anomalies
- Cardiomyopathy spherocytosis
- Cardiomyopathy, familial hypertrophic
- Cardiomyopathy, fatal fetal, due to myocardial calcification
- Cardiomyopathy, X linked, fatal infantile
- Cardioskeletal myopathy-neutropenia
- Carey Fineman Ziter syndrome
- Carnevale Canun Mendoza syndrome
- Carnevale Hernandez Castillo syndrome
- Carnevale Krajewska Fischetto syndrome
- Carney syndrome
- Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 deficiency
- Carnitine palmitoyl transferase 2 deficiency
- Carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency
- Carnophobia
- Carnosinase deficiency
- Carnosinemia
- Carpal deformity migrognathia microstomia
- Carpenter Hunter type
- Carpo tarsal osteolysis recessive
- Carpotarsal osteochondromatosis
- Cartilage hair hypoplasia like syndrome
- Cartilaginous neoplasms
- Cartwright Nelson Fryns syndrome
- Cassia Stocco Dos Santos syndrome
- Castro Gago Pombo Novo syndrome
- Cat Rodrigues syndrome
- Catagelophobia
- Catapedaphobia
- Cataract aberrant oral frenula growth retardation
- Cataract anterior polar dominant
- Cataract ataxia deafness
- Cataract cardiomyopathy
- Cataract congenital autosomal dominant
- Cataract congenital dominant non nuclear
- Cataract congenital Volkmann type
- Cataract congenital with microphthalmia
- Cataract dental syndrome
- Cataract Hutterite type
- Cataract hypertrichosis mental retardation
- Cataract mental retardation hypogonadism
- Cataract microcornea syndrome
- Cataract microphthalmia septal defect
- Cataract skeletal anomalies
- Cataract, alopecia, sclerodactyly
- Cataract, congenital, with microcornea or slight microphthalmia
- Cataract, total congenital
- Cataract,congenital ichthyosis
- Cataract-glaucoma
- Catecholamine hypertension
- Catel Manzke syndrome
- Caudal appendage deafness
- Caudal duplication
- Cavernous hemangioma
- Cavernous lymphangioma
- CCA syndrome
- Ccge syndrome
- CDG syndrome type 1B
- CDG syndrome type 1C
- CDG syndrome type 2
- CDG syndrome type 3
- CDG syndrome type 4
- CDK4 linked melanoma
- Cecato De lima Pinheiro syndrome
- Celiac disease epilepsy occipital calcifications
- Cennamo Gangemi syndrome
- Central core disease
- Central nervous system protozoal infections
- Central serous chorioretinopathy
- Central type neurofibromatosis
- Centromeric instability immunodeficiency syndrome
- Centronuclear myopathy, congenital
- Centrotemporal epilepsy
- Cephalopolysyndactyly
- Ceraunophobia
- Cerebellar agenesis
- Cerebellar ataxia areflexia pes cavus optic atrophy
- Cerebellar ataxia ectodermal dysplasia
- Cerebellar ataxia infantile with progressive external ophthalmoplegia
- Cerebellar ataxia, dominant pure
- Cerebellar degeneration, subacute
- Cerebellar degeneration
- Cerebellar hypoplasia endosteal sclerosis
- Cerebellar hypoplasia tapetoretinal degeneration
- Cerebellar parenchymal degeneration
- Cerebelloolivary atrophy
- Cerebelloparenchymal disorder 3
- Cerebellum agenesis hydrocephaly
- Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial
- Cerebral calcification cerebellar hypoplasia
- Cerebral calcifications opalescent teeth phosphaturia
- Cerebral cavernous malformation
- Cerebral gigantism jaw cysts
- Cerebral malformations hypertrichosis claw hands
- Cerebral ventricle neoplasm
- Cerebro facio articular syndrome
- Cerebro facio thoracic dysplasia
- Cerebro oculo dento auriculo skeletal syndrome
- Cerebro oculo genital syndrome
- Cerebro oculo skeleto renal syndrome
- Cerebro reno digital syndrome
- Cerebroarthrodigital syndrome
- Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome
- Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome
- Cerebroretinal vasculopathy
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 1, infantile
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 2, late infantile
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 3, juvenile
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 4, adult type
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 5, late infantile
- Ceroid lipofuscinois, neuronal 6, late infantile
- Ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 4
- Cervical hypertrichosis neuropathy
- Cervical hypertrichosis peripheral neuropathy
- Cervical ribs sprengel anomaly polydactyly
- Cervical vertebral fusion
- Cervicooculoacoustic syndrome
- Chanarin disease
- Chanarin Dorfman syndrome ichthyosis
- Chandler's syndrome
- Chands syndrome
- Chang Davidson Carlson syndrome
- Chaotic atrial tachycardia
- Char syndrome
- Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness dominant type
- Charcot Marie tooth disease deafness mental retardation
- Charcot Marie Tooth disease deafness recessive type
- Charcot Marie Tooth type 1 aplasia cutis congenita
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1B
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1C
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B1
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B2
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2C
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2D
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4A
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with ptosis and parkinsonism
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, intermediate form
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type A
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type B
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, neuronal, type D
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 2, recessive
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked type 3, recessive
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth peroneal muscular atrophy, X-linked
- Charles' Disease
- Charlie M syndrome
- Chavany-Brunhes syndrome
- Cheilitis glandularis
- Chemke Oliver Mallek syndrome
- Chemophobia
- Chen Kung Ho Kaufman Mcalister syndrome
- Chiari type 1 malformation
- Chiari-Frommel syndrome
- CHILD syndrome ichthyosis
- Childhood pustular psoriasis
- Chirophobia
- Chitayat Haj Chahine syndrome
- Chitayat Meunier Hodgkinson syndrome
- Chitayat Moore Del Bigio syndrome
- Chitty Hall Baraitser syndrome
- Chitty Hall Webb syndrome
- Chlamydial and Gonococcal Conjunctivitis
- Choanal atresia deafness cardiac defects dysmorphia
- Choledochal cyst, hand malformation
- Cholemia, familial
- Cholerophobia
- Cholestasis pigmentary retinopathy cleft palate
- Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 1
- Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 2
- Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic 3
- Cholestasis, progressive familial intrahepatic
- Cholestatic jaundice renal tubular insufficiency
- Cholesterol ester storage disease
- Cholesterol esterification disorder
- Chondroblastoma (benign)
- Chondrocalcinosis familial articular
- Chondrodysplasia lethal recessive
- Chondrodysplasia pseudohermaphrodism syndrome
- Chondrodysplasia punctata 1, x-linked recessive
- Chondrodysplasia punctata with steroid sulfatase deficiency
- Chondrodysplasia punctata, brachytelephalangic
- Chondrodysplasia punctata, Sheffield type
- Chondrodysplasia punctata
- Chondrodysplasia situs inversus imperforate anus polydactyly
- Chondrodysplasia, Grebe type
- Chondroectodermal dysplasia
- Chondromatosis (benign)
- Chondrysplasia punctata, humero-metacarpal type
- Chordoma
- Chorea familial benign
- Chorea minor
- Choreoacanthocytosis amyotrophic
- Choreoathetosis familial paroxysmal
- Chorioretinopathy dominant form microcephaly
- Choroid Plexus neoplasms
- Choroidal atrophy alopecia
- Choroideremia hypopituitarism
- Choroiditis, serpiginous
- Choroiditis
- Choroido cerebral calcification syndrome infantile
- Christian Demyer Franken syndrome
- Christian Johnson Angenieta syndrome
- Christian syndrome
- Christianson Fourie syndrome
- Chromomycosis
- Chromophobe renal carcinoma