Wikipedia:Wiki Acquired Psychological Syndrome
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Wiki Acquired Psychological Syndrome ('WAPS, or in Dutch Wiki Afhanklijk Psycho Sysdroom) is a disorder first observed amongst a Dutch group of Wikipedians. The disorder was caused by a question (in Dutch) by a German veterinary student living in Belgium. The question was : Zijn moderatoren bij de foundation voor 'psychische ongevallen' verzekerd ?[citation needed] (Are psychological disorders caused in moderators/admins covered by an insurance of the Wikimedia Foundation). As we believe the disorder is widely spread amongst all projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. To give a better overview, shortly the disorder as observed is hereby described:
[edit] Symptoms
Oversensitiveness, tiredness, crying, excessive laughing, fights on the internet, aggressiveness
[edit] Caused by
Attempts to moderate articles, protection against vandalism, freedom of speech. As it is more likely a syndrome, patients should be exposed to all three of the factors.
[edit] Treatment
Patients should take a wiki-break or wikivacation. Articles like this one can give a partial heal for a period of time. Excessive laughing and writing nonsense can heal you fully. (warning: this can cause the syndrome by other users!) But, if the first signs are not treated right, severe damage to your health can be done.