William Hill & Sons
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William Hill & Sons was a London-based firm, specializing in string instruments and bows.
Many fine craftsmen have worked for the firm, including Arthur Bultitude, Colin G Nicholls, W.C. Retford and his son W.R. Retford, ... (more to be added)
Many important violins have passed through the hands of the firm, including the Alard Stradivarius and the Lipinski Stradivarius.
[edit] Publications
Antonio Stradivari: His Life and Work, 1644-1737. Hill, William Henry, Arthur Frederick Hill, and Alfred Ebsworth Hill. 1902. (Reprinted New York: Dover, 1963.)
The Violinmakers of the Guarneri Family, by W.E. Hill a.o, W.E. Hill & Sons, London (1931)
The Tuscan and the Messie, by W.E. Hill a.o., W.E. Hill & Sons, London (1976)
[edit] External Sources
- Books on W E Hill & Sons (Ealing Strings)
- Internet edition of Hills book on Stradivari (Cello Heaven)
- Anecdote about William Hill identifying a Stradivarius from an interviiew with Henry Brant.