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- You may have been thinking of the naval tactic. For other uses of the word wolfpack, see wolfpack
WolfPack is a program of the DARPA Advanced Technology Office tasked with developing technologies that would enable the United States to deny the enemy use of communications and radars throughout the battlespace. The networked system will be comprised of autonomous, ground-based monitors/jammers that are cooperatively linked to avoid disruption of friendly military and protected commercial radio communications and radars. The specific technologies to be developed include:
- high efficiency sub-resonant antennas
- networking algorithms to allow coordinated access to the spectrum by communicators, jammers, and signals intelligence (SIGINT) systems
- methods to easily deploy the systems in radio frequency (RF) advantaged sites
- algorithms to rapidly and autonomously detect, classify, identify and jam target signals with low power electronics
DARPA is developing long-term plans with the United States Army for deployment via airborne and deep-launch devices, and is working with the United States Air Force in a distributed suppression of enemy air defense role. Initial discussions with the United States Navy are taking place for littoral and force protection missions.
[edit] References
This article includes text from the public domain DARPA Web site http://www.darpa.mil/ato/programs/wolfpack.htm