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Hello fellow Wikipedians! I have been a long time reader, and finally decided to give back to one of my favorite websites of all time.
[edit] About Me
I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography (GIS/Cartography) at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. I was born 1985-12-25 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. I have since grown to a height of 2.06m (6'9") tall, and consider myself an ubergeek. My major interests in life are any mode of transportation, history, and geography, and anything geeky. I especially love Amtrak, the XB-70 Valkyrie, Star Trek, and DaimlerChrysler, including my favorite automobile, the Dodge Diplomat. I have a large amount of eccentricities, examples of which include my use of the ISO 8601 date format and use of SI, despite living in the United States of America.
Please be gentile with me, as though I have an expert knowledge of most technology, I have almost no idea what I'm doing on this site! In addition, my typing skills lack on my current keyboard, as I have frequent errors missing and mixing keys.
For more information on me, please see my link page, which combines all of my various endeavors into one concise webpage.
cvg-4 |
This user is an expert gamer. |